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Video of Garand getting all explody. Wow. Via Kevin.

10 Responses to “Kaboom”

  1. Rob Says:

    What exactly happened there?

  2. me Says:

    Someone commented in another thread in another forum, that the guy in the video, said he accidentally put handgun powder in the case, while reloading.

    My original though was a squib, seeing the way the events unfolded in the vid.

  3. Kevin Baker Says:

    It looks to me like round #7 was a squib, and round #8 blew the rifle apart. The shooter says herself that round #7 “jammed.”

  4. Kristopher Says:

    Agreed, Kevin. The video poster’s description of “jammed” is an attempt to blame the weapon, I think.

    When a round does not go “bang”, you need to stop shooting, point the rifle downrange for a minute, and then clear and safe the weapon and check the barrel.

  5. chiefjaybob Says:

    From the comments on the You Tube site itself:

    “I am the person this happened to. The 7th round jammed, which is nothing unusual for this gun. It happens all the time. That is why I didn’t really hesitate to shoot the final round. We were using newer ammo, so we don’t think that’s the problem. My brother has been looking at his M1, and we noticed it will still fire with the chamber not fully closed. The chamber can be open up to 1/2″ and the weapon will still fire. We think that’s what happend.[sic]”

    Sounds like firing out of battery? Is that right? Also, “newer ammo,” doesn’t indicate if they are using commercial ammo. If so, do they have an adjustable gas plug? Will too much chamber pressure cause a kaboom like this?

  6. Kevin Baker Says:

    “Too much chamber pressure” pretty much defines “KABOOM!” The picture isn’t all that clear, but it appeared to me that the bolt went home on the last round without any issue. That, to me, says “obstructed barrel,” not “out-of-battery.”

  7. Diomed Says:

    Her Garand was getting seventh-round feed failures? I thought that problem was fixed around the time they retired the gas trap.

  8. jefferson101 Says:

    The way I saw the video, there was no notable recoil from round #7. That would have made me look at the casing I ejected before I fired round #8.

    I’m notably paranoid that way, but did stop someone from putting a round down the pipe behind a squib with a .32 once for the same reason.

    He ejected the casing, and there was no bullet in it. I immediately started screaming “Hold fire…Cold Range..Don’t shoot!”

    He didn’t, and we saved one Walther PP from becoming junk, completely apart from any fragmentation.

    Ya’ gotta look, every time.

  9. Earl Harding Says:


    No way will a properly maintained Garand fire with the bolt 1/2″ out of battery. Sure as heck neither of mine will. The hammer will not contact the firing pin unless the bolt has rotated and locked.

    I agree with either pistol powder or squib load.

    If that was a rifle malfunction if was a horribly maintained tool, which is possible I suppose because even the young ones are over 60 years old now.


  10. Gregory Markle Says:

    Round #7 never fired and when she extracts the round it doesn’t sound like empty brass, I think the “slight recoil” was her jerking the trigger (just one of her many, many bad habits her hubby seems content to never fix.)

    They seem to think it was an out of battery experience and I leaned toward the out of battery ‘splode based on the way she rode the bolt handle forward after clearing the jam…that’s bad juju if the gun is able to fire even slightly out of battery and something is OBVIOUSLY wrong with a Garand that reliably jams on the seventh round as stated in the comments on YouTube.

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