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Chicks and guns

Pistol-packing mamas of Viers Mill Village, a Washington D.C., suburb, terrorized by night marauders for 3 weeks, rounded up four men in gun-fire studded chase early today. Wielding rifles, pistols, knives and baseball bats, the aroused housewives had the intruders begging for mercy when police reached the battlefield.

Cool photo too.

7 Responses to “Chicks and guns”

  1. j t bolt Says:

    That’s half a mile-ish from my house.

  2. MAJ Mike Says:

    Couldn’t do that now. The DC Police would arrest the ladies and the criminals would sue them with DOJ assistance.

  3. j t bolt Says:

    It’s 6 miles away from the District. Don’t worry, Montgomery County Maryland cops are about as bad.

  4. lucusloc Says:

    trigger control! (sorry)

  5. Jeff Says:

    @MAJ Mike-that’s MoCo, not DC. MPD only has jurisdiction over MD and VA in bad Keifer Sutherland movies.

    In todays Montgomery County they’d all be hung out to dry. It’s one of the most liberal counties in Maryland.

    @JT-also about a half milish from my house. Do you shop at Atlantic?

  6. Jerry Says:

    WTF was the .45? Looked like an UZI, crossed with a, well, nice barrel, anywho?. AT the lady on the right, nice ash. May you swing it to your heart’s content. I love that pic.

  7. John Smith. Says:

    .45 has its slide open..

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