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It’s this again

Eric Holder pulls out the race card.

12 Responses to “It’s this again”

  1. Mike Branson Says:

    Predictable move is predictable.

  2. joated Says:

    Hopefully this is the last desperate grasp of the straw(man).

  3. Chas Says:

    Supplying the weapons that were used to kill 300 Mexicans isn’t racism, but calling for the resignation of the person responsible for the supplying of those weapons is racism?
    AG Holder is obviously a grossly irresponsible individual. Among other things, he should be disbarred.

  4. junyo Says:

    Can we replace the “race card” euphemism, which serves as a blanket to squash even legitimate discussions, and replace it with the slightly more to the point “talking out of his ass”?

  5. MJM Says:

    I think “treacherous liars” are not all the same color, Eric.

  6. breda Says:

    When all you’ve got is a hammer…,etc.

  7. Joseph Kephart Says:

    Ummm…I didn’t even know he was African-American. The criticism has nothing to do with his “race” (which is the human race), it has to do with a stupid decision. Selling weapons to the cartels is no different than selling them to a Chicago street gang.

  8. mike w. Says:

    That card isn’t totally worn out yet? What the hell is it make out of?

  9. MAJ Mike Says:

    Why does Holder hate Mexicans so much? Aren’t they exactly the Third World Underclass that the Lib-Cong claim to love so much?

    Holder’s the racist. “Holder lied. Mexicans died!!!”

  10. Chas Says:

    Holder slaughtered hundreds of Mexicans for what he imagined to be his own political convenience. Do Mexicans regard that as racist? I notice that no one in the media is asking Mexicans what they think of Holder and Obama running guns to the cartels.

  11. Tarrou Says:

    AHAHAHAH. I’m starting to love the race card. It means we’re winning. Yes, yuk it up at the racist hicks, we’ll just be defending civil liberties over here. Successfully I might add. Holder, your days are numbered.

  12. Jeffersonian Says:

    I agree with Tarrou that Holder and the current Admin are getting nervous. We really are winning. They see the end. However, after reading this article and several others on the same interview, it occurs to me that this isn’t just the incessant ravings of a manchild obviously in over his head. It is a threat. A threat to declare those that oppose( or question) him to be enemies of the state. He is threatening the rightwing bloggers and the occasional journalist who question the policies of the DOJ. i am sure he would like nothing more than to be able to silence those voices.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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