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Bloomberg shocked at lawful interstate commerce

You can hop on the internet and have a gun shipped to your door. That’s a lie but it’s the narrative put forth by Bloomberg. Dealers ship the guns to other dealers who perform background checks. It’s also against Craigslist policy to advertise guns. Also, a seller is not required to ask questions. If a person passes a background check, the sale goes through.

This is not illegal. Lying by omission.

4 Responses to “Bloomberg shocked at lawful interstate commerce”

  1. Ron W Says:

    I think the 1968 Federal gun control law patterned after the 1938 Nazi Germany gun law banned direct mail order guns sales.

  2. one_more_bob Says:

    Actually, if you have a Curio and Relics license, it is possible and legal to go on the internet and have some types of firearms shipped to your door. Mainly the firearms have to have been made before 1950, there are exceptions.

  3. SPQR Says:

    I’ve yet to find a gun control advocates argument that does not rely upon brazen, objective lies about current law.

  4. SteveA Says:

    The curios and relics license is issued by the ATF, so it is legal for a dealer to send a C&R weapon to a C&R licensee.
    OF course, to bloomberg, this is a giant loophole.

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