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Keep your booger hook off the bang switch

TSA finds a gun in a carry on bag. Given that they can’t handle guns, they call the police. The officer ends up negligently discharging the revolver. Via Joe, who says you can’t fix stupid.

You can fix stupid. But it usually requires a ball peen hammer.

2 Responses to “Keep your booger hook off the bang switch”

  1. JscottNB Says:

    This is so many levels of stupid I don’t know where to start… A police officer shoots himself in the face… Trying to unload a revolver? It should have had a NY trigger I suppose… LOL

  2. 45er Says:

    If you note, it was a .22 mag revolver. My guess is it is an North American Arms revolver. You know, the little bitty ones without a trigger guard that requires a half-cock to remove the cylinder. However, if he didn’t know what he was doing, he shouldn’t have been touching and there’s no reason to go full cock on that little gun to unload it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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