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Could Oswald make the shot

Yes, he could.

18 Responses to “Could Oswald make the shot”

  1. Steve Says:

    Interesting post. I only read the section of Case Closed by Gerald Posner pertaining to this subject but he did make a compelling case that the shots were do-able by Oswald, acting alone.

  2. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Saw a documentary a few years back about this. Guy actually went up in a Lift basket and fired the same setup. Turned out to be relatively easy. One of the comments made during the show stuck with me. “Thousands of Deer Hunters every Hunting Season shoot from Tree Stands at moving targets, and most get their Deer.”

    Now if only those Liberals would get off those damn “KonSpiracy Theories” and admit that Kennedy wasn’t set up by the “Vast Right Wing Conspiracy”….

  3. chris Says:

    Oswald’s ability to make the shots is only a part of the solving of the JFK assassination.

  4. TIM Says:

    Pretty Interesting Stuff There.

  5. Ambulance Driver Says:

    Gunsmith and ballistics expert named Howard Donahue duplicated those shots some years back in a recreation of the assassination – the only one of 11 invited shooters to do so. They were using scoped Carcanos identically set up like Oswald’s.

    Donahue has an interesting theory on the assassination, backed up with some pretty compelling evidence. He contends that the fatal head shot was a negligent discharge from Secret Service agent George Hickey, using the AR15 they carried in the chase car.

  6. Gunship Cowboy Says:

    Ambulance Driver,
    I’ve read Donahue’s book, “Mortal Error” and agree with his conclusions. He analyzed the evidence, not heresay. He still thinks that Kennedy would have died from Oswald’s shots, even if the Secret Service agent had not had the accidental discharge.
    Amazon link to the book:

    I agree that Oswald was capable of the shots. The cable show that duplicated the shots included the differences between the jump seat and Kennedy’s seat. These differences make all of the wounds line up.

  7. Justthisguy Says:

    Heh. I have read that what probably actually killed Huey Long was a stray shot from one of Huey’s bodyguards who was blazing away at Doctor Weiss.

    I believe it was Ian Hogg, in an exhaustive book on small arms, who wrote that the M-C was originally built in a different caliber. It seems that when they switched calibers, they kept using the same rifling machines, with the same twist, to save money. This made the new bullets just barely stable in air, and not at all in meat; sort of like the original .223 bullet. That might account for the “pristine” bullet they found having done so much damage.

  8. Paul Says:

    I’ve owned a Carcanio like Oswalds. Yea he could make the shot. With correct ammo the carc is not a bad rifle. Crude looking but it shoots strait.

  9. chris Says:

    The House Select Committee on Assassinations investigated the JFK assassination in 1976-1977 and determined that the assassination was likely the result of a conspiracy.

    That was in contrast to the Warren Commission’s conclusion in 1964 that LHO perpetrated the assassination by himself.

    If LHO really acted alone, like the government wants us to believe, it could start by lifting the veil of secrecy that it has maintained for the last 48 years and opening up the Warren Commission, FBI and CIA files from their investigations into the assassination.

    And while they are at it, they may want to explain why a sleazy strip joint operator threw his own life away to silence LHO.

  10. Rob Says:

    Hell, I could have made the shots and I have no formal training. The tinfoil hat brigade doesn’t really have much to stand on, IMO.

  11. chrispy Says:

    When he can do it on the first try, at a moving target, through a tree, I’ll be impressed.

  12. chris Says:

    When he can do it on the first try, at a moving target, through a tree, I’ll be impressed.

    And make a rear shot which results in the brains blowing out on the back of the limosine as opposed to the front windshield.

  13. Kristopher Says:

    Naw … it was a cabal of 138 shooters that got him.

    One lucky burst from a girlscout’s Chauchat nailed him.

  14. Phelps Says:

    I had lunch dozens of times in Dealey Plaza. I’ve looked out that sixth floor window at The Spot. I’m a decent shot. I’m not a great shot.

    I could make that shot with my Yugo SKS over iron sights.

  15. Cargosquid Says:

    I think that the Mythbuster or some other group restaged it, firing one shot.

    Both the angles of the wounds, types of wounds, and placements were almost identical.

    Furthermore, it was a conspiracy, if you believe the words of an FBI informant placed into Carlos Marcello’s cell. He states that the mob boss had the hit done. And everybody involved had a connection to Marcello.

    And I just saw another documentary. The films were reviewed again. They conclude that the first shot actually missed, hitting a stop light fixture…ricocheting towards an overpass. Kennedy was then killed with the two follow up shots…total time…about 12 seconds.

    But my theory explains it best. We can’t find the head of the conspiracy because it was Kennedy. Oswald was supposed to shoot Jacqueline to take the leash off Kennedy and gain him sympathy. Oops, hit the wrong guy.

  16. Paul Says:

    Yea Cargo, and then Kennedy could have done some more pelvis bumping with Marilyn Monroe.

    Or maybe Jacqueline found out and….

    Still a bummer, one way or another.

  17. Justthisguy Says:

    Oswald may well have done it, but I betcha a lot of other people were “thinking” about doing it. That explains a lot of guilty-conscience-like behavior by lots of people immediately afterward.

    Just think of all the different kinds of people who were hoppin’ mad at Jack Kennedy; both sorts of Cubans, the Mafia, likely some cheated-upon husbands, the Kennedy neighbors at Palm Beach, hot-headed Texans, people who hated Joe’s guts… the list is long.

  18. Justthisguy Says:

    P.s. A joke I heard in the eighth grade, right after that happened:

    Q. Why didn’t Lyndon go deer hunting this year?

    A. Lee Harvey forgot to give him back the rifle.

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