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I know you are but what am I?

The kids were, as they often do, having one of their nonsensical arguments. I forgot what it was about but it probably involved stop touching me, get on your side of the couch or some other thing kids have fought about for just about ever. I tell them to knock it off and then, thinking I thought it, I instead said I can’t believe you guys argue about the dumbest crap. Junior then pipes up: You argue about dumb crap too. Thinking she may have heard about my blog, I say Oh do I?

Her: Yes, you argue about dumb crap too.

Me: No I don’t. And don’t say crap.

Her: Oh, yes, you do.

Me: When have I argued about dumb stuff?

Her: Always.

Me: I do not.

Her: Uh huh.

Me: Oh please.

Her: You’re arguing about dumb stuff right now.

Me: Well played, Sparky.

And I laughed hard. I was both taken aback and proud that I was outsmarted by my 7 year-old daughter. Still brings a smile to my face.

Update: Rage comic by Michael. LOL.

8 Responses to “I know you are but what am I?”

  1. Jennifer Says:


  2. hsoi Says:

    Kids are often more perceptive than adults give them credit for. 🙂

  3. nk Says:

    My fourth-grader scored 99% percentile nationally at reading on Cogats. And she knows how to surf at Waikiki. And she is now in Shanghai, China. So, there. 😉

  4. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Captain once said to me about Mainers, was that we were good people, and hard working, but we’d argue just for something to do.

    My response was “WE DO NOT!!!”

    and then I couldn’t stop laughing. He was right.

  5. Michael Hawkins Says:

    Rage comicked,

  6. Jay G. Says:

    Well, my 10 year old just thoroughly whooped my butt at Monopoly, so I feel your pain…

  7. adam Says:

    Hah! and LOL’d @ the rage comic. Well played..

  8. Pathfinder Says:

    My younger son was maybe 4 when we drove past the dry cleaners I went to. He asked me the name of the place very innocently, and I answered with their name – Schwartzhoff.

    To which he replied – gesundheit!

    He set me up!!!!

    They do that. Enjoy, it gets better.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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