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Live free, or there

In MA, 80 year old woman charged for feeding birds. This is what you waste time on?

5 Responses to “Live free, or there”

  1. divemedic Says:

    After reading the story, I don’t have a problem with it. She is attracting rats, and agreed to stop, and has been since ignoring the agreement.

    Freedom does not include the freedom to create a hazard that attracts disease ridden vermin.

  2. Peter Says:

    Yeah… its not like they cuffed her just because. She agreed to stop, then kept on doing it. Its not like she didn’t have more than enough warning. Also, shopping carts full of food? Yeah, thats going to attract vermin.

  3. Nylarthotep Says:

    Guess I’ll agree that she is the one causing the issue. You don’t have any right that violates someone else’s rights. Disease ridden vermin most will sooner or later spread to the homes nearby and cause those people issues.

    I would think that if she wants to feed the ducks, she should show restraint and only feed amounts that will not cause an issue for others.

  4. Kristopher Says:

    Crazy cat lady syndrome.

    She just keeps her pets on public property. Homer Alaska had a similar problem with a crazy woman who was keeping eagles as pets on the city docks, and spreading fishheads around all day.

    A huge flock of hungry eagles is a hell of a lot harder to deal with than ducks …

  5. Jhett Says:

    If your articles are alayws this helpful, “I’ll be back.”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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