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Incompetence, then

Justice Department claims that they were lied to with respect to walking guns into Mexico. If Holder is to be taken at his word, then expect fewer calls for his resignation. But something needs to be done about ATF.

10 Responses to “Incompetence, then”

  1. mikee Says:

    If the AG does not have control over the bureaucracy under him, and they are going around causing the deaths of hundreds and hundreds of citizens of a foreign country, and deaths in this country, without his knowledge, he still needs to go, for that very reason.

  2. Ellen Says:

    Ignorant, stupid, or culpable — those are the only three choices I see. They all require Holder to go.

  3. Kristopher Says:


    The BATFE is not going to fall on their swords for Holder. The second they get put under oath, they will finger him as the man in charge.

  4. Sid Says:

    Ellen nailed it.

    It happened and all the spin they can muster only changes how bad it makes them look. AG Holder didn’t know before he did know but did nothing about it because he had no idea what he did know before he was or wasn’t present when he read his own emails about a briefing he can’t remember if he attended.

    Chapter One of Company Command: who’s in charge? You are. And don’t ever forget it!

  5. Dean Kennedy Says:

    If BATFE kept the AG in the dark over what they were doing, Holder should be investigating BATFE for clear violation of U.S. law. Is there any indication that he is doing so? No. So, if Holder was not complecit or incompetent then, he is now. He needs to go.

  6. Mike Says:


    So, Holder and Obama are going to find a willing drone to take the bullet? Don’t think that there isn’t at least one fool who will consider himself “honored” to protect Da Bosses. That’s where it’s going to end, folks.

    Look at Susan McDougal.

  7. Joe Huffman Says:

    I don’t think Holder should be asked to resign.

    I think he and probably many others should be prosecuted.

  8. Kristopher Says:

    Joe: Obama will pardon him before that happens.

    We may need to extradite them all to Mexico to see justice done.

  9. Brad Says:

    Read the following statement from DOJ. Note how the liars the DOJ now pins the blame on are all unnamed! Frickin ‘not-me’ is now the guilty party. It’s the equivalent of the-dog-ate-my-homework.

    Now DOJ has formally withdrawn their Feb. 4 letter to Grassley. In a new letter to the Republican Senator and Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) on Friday, Deputy Attorney General James Cole said DOJ officials “relied on information provided by supervisors from the components in the best position to know the relevant facts: ATF and the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Arizona,” conceding that information they provided “was inaccurate.”

  10. TIM Says:

    And The Nominee For “FALL GUY IS “Technical difficulties please stand by as we pull the wool over some poor smucks eyes.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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