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At 1/3 the price

Kindle outsells iPad.

6 Responses to “At 1/3 the price”

  1. ExUrbanKevin Says:

    In other marketing news, lower-priced goods tend to sell more than higher-priced goods.

  2. Sebastian The Blogless Says:

    If anyone has any money they’re not investing in 12ga shells and MREs (the smartest investments), shorting publishing stocks makes good sense.

    That, and PBX and network hardware. Anything that can be virtualized and as yet hasn’t been (textbooks, phone equipment, servers, newspapers) is probably going away soon.

  3. Richard Says:

    From the article: “…it’s likely that when sales for all models are accounted for, the iPad still blows the Fire out.” The headline on the article is a touch misleading.

    Of course, the Fire vs. iPad is a bit like a Honda Fit vs. a 7-series BMW. Both will get you where you are going, but is isn’t a straight apples-to-apples comparison.

  4. Guav Says:

    What Kevin and Richard said.

  5. Sigivald Says:

    Really, the “news” here is that there’s actually a non-apple tablet that can even pretend to compete.

    Which is a welcome thing; competition spurs improvement.

  6. RC Says:

    Actually the Fire is a fine media device and web browser/email reader. And there she stops, for the most part. I wouldn’t take one for free for book reading though because LCD screens hurt my eyes in comparison to eInk devices (which also applies to the iPad, of course). But the Fire won’t get you to the same places an iPad can. They are different devices for different niches, any comparison of them is misplaced and unjust to the Fire.

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