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Horse meat ban lifted

Good. It was a pretty stupid idea for a lot of reasons.

11 Responses to “Horse meat ban lifted”

  1. John Smith. Says:

    Horses say just say Neigh to horsemeat… Sorry black beauty but you just look so tender and juicy….. Cannot wait for some horseburgers I hear they are nearly as good as goatburgers…

  2. BobG Says:

    But can you make bacon with it?

  3. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Too stringy for my taste, but as long as they are Humanely Dispatched, it’s better than all those news stories of those Horse Farms that look like Dachau.

  4. Jim Says:

    How did this ignorant and poorly crafted bit of legislation manage to pass? Do we simply not have enough rural representatives in the Legislature?

    Forget the farming aspects and just focus on the economic stupidity of this law: things without value are not conserved. Can’t sell a broken down mare for meat? Worthless. The honorable folks would shoot it in the skull when they realized they couldn’t cover the winter hay bill. But too many folks couldn’t take that route. That is how we get horses being dropped in the parking lots at weekend trail rides, starving herds, and a near 1900 low price on horses.

    In addition, how was this law not some sort of un-Constitutional taking of value? Maybe my read is too broad but if the DC rats suddenly outlawed the sale of used cars then the populace would be up in arms and the courts would stop the shennanigans. Outlaw the sale of used horse? No big deal?

  5. comatus Says:

    The big question is, will it now be back on the menu at the Harvard Faculty Club? First things first, old man.

  6. Jerry Says:

    Horse, it’s the other, other white meat.

  7. HiddenHills Says:

    Back in the ’80s, while in Central America, I had horse meat. We grilled it at cookouts for mission teams. Fed it to 40+ people several times (they didn’t mind). It was better (and cheaper) than beef supplied by the local butcher.

  8. Wayne Vanderaar Says:

    We don’t eat horsemeat in the US because of our respect for what the horse has contributed to human culture and commerce. We don’t eat horses because they are valuable partners in sport–they are the only animals that win Olympic medals or blow out their hearts to win a race. When Winston Churchill said ” There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man” he wasn’t referring to the horse as a menu item. Gallop on a horse or jump him over a 5′ fence, go see the film War Horse, then see if you can eat horsemeat. Ride on!

  9. Kristopher Says:



    Your emotional attachment to a species of livestock is part of what caused the problem in the first place.

    Letting emotion run wild when crafting law is always a big mistake. It is good that the legislature finally got a clue, and let this harm-causing law die.

    If you don’t like horsemeat, or the process of making it, then don’t buy it.

  10. Jeffro Says:

    I’ve been seeing so many “OMG, They’re Killing Cute Horsies” on the innertubes – I’ve had enough. Maybe the law meant well, but it’s another example of unintended consequences and not taking responsibility for the fallout from a perfect example of nanny statism. If you are so convinced that banning slaughter is the right thing to do, then why weren’t y’all out here in the real world rescuing the abandoned and mistreated horses? Why weren’t y’all at the auctions where unwanted horses couldn’t even sell for five bucks? You want it, you should own it.

    Of course I realize I’m preaching to the choir here, but I had to vent.

  11. Terry Says:

    So happy I could cry.. Horse prices will come back up and help the economy. Finnally the leggislation isnt bein bought by HUSUS an PITA freeks!!!

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