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Keep your dog restrained

Even a therapy dog.

10 Responses to “Keep your dog restrained”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    The dog was turning its life around!

    I know several people seriously injured when a large breed dog took them off a bike.

    If this was a service dog, it wasn’t a well trained one.

  2. MJM Says:

    Every owner of an aggressive, undisciplined dog that attacks someone says his version of: “But the dog’s owner, Dan Abou, said Scooby would have never harmed anyone.” It’s almost the hallmark of mean dog paired with irresponsible owner. And the “service animal” thing has gotten absurd.

  3. Jake Says:

    If this was a service dog, it wasn’t a well trained one.

    Looks like it was still in training. And it was a rescued dog, so there’s no telling what the previous owners might have done or how street life might have affected it, and therefore no way of knowing what might set it off to be aggressive with no warning.

  4. Rivrdog Says:

    MJM ++. It seems that almost any animal can be a “therapy dog in training”. However, the legitimate orgs which train these animals will require that they never roam free, so whatever training this late pooch was enrolled in wasn’t being followed.

    As to the bicyclist going armed, I do when I’m on my bike, doesn’t everyone?

  5. Pol Mordreth Says:

    If the story is accurate, then there might still be another side to this. The dog wasn’t in the street. It was in it’s owners front yard. I have 2 large dogs restrained by an electronic fence. They are often in my front yard. They bark at bikes ( I think because they don’t like the noise). Is feeling threatened without actually being threatened cause to shoot someone’s dog in their front yard?

  6. Lazy Bike Commuter Says:

    The only time I ever came close to using my carry gun was when someone’s german shepherd charged me when I was biking. I find that most dogs usually back off if you stop the bike, but there are always some that don’t.

    Without more to go on I’d have to side with the cyclist, at least until more facts come out.

  7. Secret Squirrel Says:

    >Is feeling threatened without actually being threatened cause to shoot someone’s dog in their front yard?

    Yes, possibly. If a dog is aggressively charging at me from their front yard and I don’t think it’s going to stop (and I’m pretty good at knowing the difference between an “I’m going to chew your face off” charge versus a “hey, stranger, play with me!” charge), I’m not going to give it the benefit of the doubt by assuming that there’s the Invisible Fence. Hospital bills are expensive, so Fido’s going down, sorry.

  8. Barron Barnett Says:

    If you think that one’s bad, try this incident.

    Repeat after me, “Like you and me but only better.”

  9. comatus Says:

  10. Diomed Says:

    Time to bring back the Velo Dog!

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