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Smartest guy in the room

I wasn’t paying attention to the Republican presidential race. I mean really, who was? Have you seen these bozos? The race has boiled down Mitt Romney v. whoever is not Mitt Romney this week. But I was surprised that in the latest poll Newt Gingrich came out on top.

15 Responses to “Smartest guy in the room”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    I’ll take him over Romney or Obama…but do I have to?

  2. Nathaniel Says:

    Says he would have voted for the bailouts, supports the individual mandate, supports cap-and-trade, and drank the global warming kool-aid. What’s not to like?

  3. Nylarthotep Says:

    Better than Romney. At least he stands for positions for a longer period of time.

    He’s the Perennial Hypocrite and Pompous Ass thus making him completely qualified to be a President of the USA.

    Sad isn’t it?

  4. Mike Says:

    They don’t call it “The Stupid Party” for nothing.

    We’ll get a lick of the flavor of the moment for a while, until the GOP Establishment deems it time to let us know that it’s Romney we’ve selected (no matter how many times you hit the button for “NOT ROMNEY”). We’ll then have a long, surreal crap-fest through November 2012, wherein all the right-thinking Republicans and “conservatives” will instruct us that Romney is both conservative and electable. You know, RomneyCare is the very definition of conservatism and fiscal prudence, whereas ObamaCare is nothing but an evil Marxist project. RINSE AND REPEAT. The bulk of the Republican masses will delude themselves for a bit…until the morning after the election, when the reality of massive, catastrophic, stomach-churning defeat hits ’em all upside the head.

    The one consolation I will take from this is that at least Obama will take us all over the cliff quickly — we’ll then take our place in the Sun as a has-been, second-rate Power with a wrecked economy and a Banana Republic government. Think USSR circa 1994 or so.

  5. Kevin Baker Says:

    “We’ll get a lick of the flavor of the moment for a while, until the GOP Establishment deems it time to let us know that it’s Romney we’ve selected….”

    That would be the flavor in the “two girls, one cup” video?

  6. blounttruth Says:

    Unfortunately it was noted that only one poll “Rasmussen” has recorded anything close to this, almost as if fraud has been committed in their polling. Interesting that every other poll over the last 10 days has him at 18%, Romney at 19%, Paul at 20.4%, and Cain at 24%. This is the media/pollsters misleading the American people on their anyone but Paul scam, but it looks like Paul may take Iowa, and has a solid 2nd place in NH, and in SC as well. Even if Gingrich’s polls were rising it shouldn’t take two weeks to dump him down after the latest scandal, but it sure is taking a long time for Horny Herman to fall, but fall he is. Romney has yet to garner over 24% of the GOP vote, so how will that 1 in 4 pan out when it is down to Ron Paul the conservative versus Romney the neo conservative, only time will tell.

  7. blounttruth Says:

    P.S. Don’t think Cain is done? Here is a clip from yesterday, Cain is the new Edwards…

  8. mikee Says:

    At least Romney can be moved towards a correct policy through the gentle urging of millions of conservatives screaming at him. He has promised to “waiver” all 50 states on Obamacare on day 1.

    Newt would make a fine VP, or consigliere, or even SecState, as he can be a mean son of a gun, albeit not Cheneyesque in gravity.

    Ron Paul would see nuclear war between India and Pakistan and China within 6 months of the election and would wonder why.

  9. Bobby Says:

    This is going to be Paul’s strongest election to date. With the glut of empty suits, Its pretty exciting to see that he may win.

    Keep in mind, a far-right Paul presidency, diluted by the house and senate, might be as close to a perfect president we will get at this age. And way better then an far left Obamney presidency, diluted by the house and senate.

    Once again, Go Paul.

  10. Bobby Says:

    “Ron Paul would see nuclear war between India and Pakistan and China within 6 months of the election and would wonder why.”

    The far left must love that paranoid, unfounded ramblings like this by people who think they are their enemy keeps them in power. Sweet irony.

  11. Bobby Says:

    Or, should I say PSH 😀

  12. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Foam Ear Plugs shoved in your nostrils work well in reducing the Stench we’ll all be facing when entering the Election Booth Next Year.

  13. fucema Says:

    > Ron Paul would see nuclear war between India and Pakistan and China within 6 months of the election and would wonder why.

    Waaat. You forgot to put a happy face for sarcasm?

  14. cargosquid Says:

    Meh….they are ALL better than another Obama presidency.

    Of course, when the bar is THAT low….that’s not much of an improvement.

  15. NUGUN Says:

    It Obama passes HR 822 I’ll vote for him.

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