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Occupy, wait, what?

Permanent base in Australia?

7 Responses to “Occupy, wait, what?”

  1. Nylarthotep Says:

    Imagine Deploying to Australia. That would be rough. Hell of a lot better than South Korea.

  2. mikee Says:

    Well, Rep. John Murtha (now deceased) did suggest early in the War on Terror that troops should not be occupying Iraq and Afghanistan, but should be kept somewhere like Okinawa and used only when needed to restore peace in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Not one of his better ideas, but now we can see if it works in practice.

  3. Nick Says:

    strategic sheep purposes…

  4. This is relevant to my interests Says:

    There is a crapload of oil in the south china sea. Every speck of dirt that stays dry during high tide happens to have a 200 mile exclusive economic zone around it. This explains “One China” doctrine, North Korea, the Spratlys, and pretty much a lot of future 21 century foreign policy.

    250 troops is just the camel’s nose.

  5. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Oh, like being sent to Australia is worse than patrolling the DMZ in Korea in January! 10 to 1 I bet you the Corps has already got a 1,000 Marines asking to be Deployed.

    BTW, where’s OldNFO going? ; )

  6. comatus Says:

    Reminds me of a medical tale from the late Pacific Misunderstanding. Army medic sends a radiogram from a tropic isle: “Have a case of beri-beri. What should I do?”

    Navy corpsman on next atoll replies: “Send it to the Marines. They’ll drink anything.”

    The Antipodes is, they tell me, a beautiful and exciting place. But if they can find a square mile of it that fits the definition of “hellhole” — and they can! — that spot is where we’ll quarter Our Boys. You may depend upon it.

  7. Timmy Says:

    Comatus, your instincts are correct. Darwin is stinking hot, boring and is surrounded by wildlife that wants you dead, urgently. Australian soldiers hate it. I suspect it will become a place Marines are sent as punishment.

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