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Kindle Fire

Glenn has an initial review of Amazon’s Kindle Fire. I’m sort of interested in one. I’ve said before I like my G Tablet but the Fire looks pretty handy.

5 Responses to “Kindle Fire”

  1. Fred Says:

    If they’d put an SD slot in it, I’d be a lot more interested…

  2. Nylarthotep Says:

    I should get mine today. Between the price and the functionality of tablets that I’d actually use, this seems to be a no brainer.

    I read Glen’s piece and think it’s about what I was expecting. Hopefully that will continue once I start using it.

  3. Sean Says:

    Almost no one is commenting on the lack of content organization/hiding/filtering.

    My wife and I share an amazon account. With traditional kindle readers (and the apps for PC and phone), it’s quite easy for me to get my content on my kindle, and she can get her stuff on hers.

    In the rare event there’s a book we both want, all purchases are archived and available to download to any kindle device/app in my family.

    I’m sure my wife has as much as interest in “carouseling” through my dozens of espionage and survival books as I would if I saw a pile of her Jane Austen, or self improvement books.

  4. Diomed Says:

    I hope I didn’t bork the battery. Damn thing turned on as soon as I plugged it in to charge.

  5. Jake Says:

    Diomed: You should be ok. That’s pretty common for most (all?) Android-based devices. My Nook Color does the same thing.

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