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Pardon me, while I rant

Look here, you waddling, sanctimonious cow: You don’t get a say in what I or anyone else drives. You’re exactly what’s wrong in the world today. So take your self-righteousness and shove it down your throat. It may stop the flow of Big Macs and XXL Diet Cokes to your ass. That would put less strain on your Prius and lower your carbon footprint.

10 Responses to “Pardon me, while I rant”

  1. Jay G. Says:

    Wow. I got Unc ranting.

    Go team me! πŸ™‚

  2. Sebastian The Blogless Says:

    That’s awesome.

    I wish some Prius driver would give me shit about my truck sometime when I’m running it on the greasefuel…so I could point out that I’m actually cleaner than her weeniemobile.

  3. Nylarthotep Says:

    I sputtered pretty good when I watched that as well. I think I’d have gone all JayG on her though. Reving the motor and doing everything to piss her off.

    Probably would have added a “sod off Swampy” to the conversation.

  4. Randy Says:

    Just as their is prejudice where Prii drivers have on “truck” folks..there is prejudice on “truck” folks on Prius drivers.

    I am probably more conservative than most, I’m a USAF vet, I’m a life member of the NRA and I train and carry for CCW…and I drive a Prius. I drive one for the gas mileage, and cool tech both under the hood and the electronics in the cabin. But for many of you I’m sure you see me at a red light and think *&#$% liberal get out of my way.

  5. Huck Says:

    Why did that guy even bother talking to that retard? Summer before last I had a dippy get in my face and demand to know why I “needed” such a big truck. I just said 2 words to him and I’m sure I dont have to reapeat them here.

    Trying to explain anything to culls like that gal and the dippy who confronted me just encourages them to rant at you all the more and they will NOT listen to anything you say because their minds are already made up. You cant reason with unreasonable people so I dont even bother to try.

  6. Firehand Says:

    Should have either let the wife handle it- she started off very well- or ignored her; letting her spew was a big mistake.

  7. EMP Says:


    If you’re going to talk about prejudice it’s probably best not to tell everyone what you’re “sure” they think when they look at you πŸ™‚

  8. ATLien Says:

    The reply should be along the lines of, “So what are those batteries made of, ya fat whore?”

  9. wizardpc Says:

    “I drive one for the gas mileage”

    I hope not, because it takes about 200,000 miles to make up the smugness premium

  10. Jai Says:


    It takes much less than that. I bought my 2010 Prius new for $20,800, and I’ve averaged 52 mpg in the year and 32,000 miles I’ve owned it. Let’s say I bought another mid sized car that got 26 miles to the gallon for $3,000 less. With how much I drive I save about $200 a month on gas over a car with half the fuel economy. That’s much more than what I’d save on a car payment. It does take a bit of driving to save money with the Prius, but it’s not hard to do.

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