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Non alcoholic whisky

Ok, why?

7 Responses to “Non alcoholic whisky”

  1. Cargosquid Says:


    They’ve burned all the corn! There’s no more for drinkin’!

  2. Nylarthotep Says:

    Is that what you get when they take all your good hooch for Gasahol?

  3. kbiel Says:

    How the hell does that work? It is the alcohol that dissolve the flavors in the oak. There can’t be one natural substance in that abomination outside of the water.

    Another oxymoronic product: fat free half & half

  4. mikee Says:

    I read gun blogs that argue, again and again, that NEED is not a condition of firearm ownership, that ownership and acquisition is a fundamental right not associated with potential misuse or practicality. Yes, I am thinking of the Taurus Judge. The argument is that asking WHY someone NEEDS a certain type of firearm is invalid. I agree with that.

    Likewise, there is no NEED that must be argued for the nonalcoholic whiskey, no “WHY?” that must be addressed, just as there is no NEED that must be met by sugar free candy, diet soda, light or nonalcoholic beer, or strawberry licorice (a personal non-favorite).

    Let’s all try to be a bit more consistent in our attitude towards personal, individual liberty and the ability to make or have something we want, without regard to WHY we want it, or whether there is a NEED for it.

    After all, if some market segment is buying and drinking this swill, that leaves more of the good stuff for the rest of us.

  5. Huck Says:

    Egad! Is nothing sacred?

  6. Lyle Says:

    mikee; I haven’t seen anyone calling for a ban on non-alcoholic whisky. Lighten up. We can have opinions on anything under the sun and be as consistent as consistent gets at the same time.

    I call for liberty. Non-alcoholic whisky (or is it whiskey) is stupid. I’m consistent. Buy the crap if you want. Spen all your money on it and then beg for charity. Choke on it if you like. I’ll call you dumb, but I’ll fight for your right to buy dumb things.

    I’m not trying to get someone to hold a gun to your head to stop you from buying dumb things. That’s the difference.

    See how that works? OK then.

  7. Joe Allen Says:

    I don’t know how they could make an artificial flavor that recreates the taste of cask aged spirits, but I also don’t understand how the Jelly Belly people can make a jelly bean taste like a veal cutlet sauteed in lemon butter with a radicchio garnish, so there may be hope…

    I love the taste of Guinness with a steak, a cold pilsner with pizza, a Negra Modelo with tamales… but I won’t drink when I’m driving or CCW, so I seldom get to enjoy the combination at a restaurant. I’d love to find something that captured those tastes without impairment. Unfortunately, all the NA beers I’ve ever tasted are uniformly nasty – and the only style I’ve ever found is a weak imitation of already watery pilsners.

    A good whiskey can also be a complement to many dishes, but I expect this product falls equally short of the mark.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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