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What the hell

Ten year old boy pulls Tec9 on woman who joked about taking his Halloween candy.

6 Responses to “What the hell”

  1. mikee Says:

    What the Hell indeed: the 10 year old with the gun has a 10 year old brother, according to the reporter.

  2. adam Says:

    ^ lol.

  3. ATLien Says:

    I’d have shot him.

    Darwinism works.

  4. Sigivald Says:

    Yeah, seriously, a TEC-9?

    Kid’s got no taste in firearms.

    (I kid. Mostly.)

    (Lazy Media Note: Their graphic there, is a PP or PPK pasted in front of some candy.

    Not even the right caliber. And couldn’t they find a stock image of the Scariest Handgun Ever Hyped By Media?)

  5. TIM Says:

    I cant believe it was a tech nine.I mean a tech nine isn’t exactly very small.Especially for ten year old to conceal.

  6. comatus Says:

    Points to Sig and TIM for speaking gunny. I was going to remark on how low the candy theft rate must be in Aiken.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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