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What media bias

Article on businesses in Wisconsin posting no guns signs after the state started issuing carry permits. The local Fox affiliate there put up some nice little printable signs you can download to let everyone know that robbers are welcome there.

7 Responses to “What media bias”

  1. adam Says:

    I love how the knee-jerk reaction phrase is almost always “I don’t want this to turn into the O.K. Corral”.

    Excuse me, sir, your ignorance is showing.

  2. Jeffersonian Says:

    It seems to me the anti-rights folk would really appreciate someone on the pro gun side saying “we DO want this to turn into the OK Corral.”

    It would make their lame argument much more convincing. Just saying.

  3. MJM Says:

    Sheriff David Beth, are you one of those in the .gov who just cannot let go? Sheriff: Look out onto the rest of the states, and take note that handgun carry has not resulted in beer taps dripping blood, so to speak. Far from it. Ho, hum. Why do you feel compelled to react to a few pantywaists who just hate to see some freedom happening out here? Are you jealous of your monopoly on arms?

  4. divemedic Says:

    The gunfight was not what he thinks it was. It was a gunfight between a Federal Agent(Virgil Earp), the Sheriff (Wyatt Earp), and their deputies (Morgan and James Earp), who got in a gunfight with some local outlaws.

    If you want to prevent the “shootout at the OK Corral” you should exclude law enforcement from carrying weapons.

  5. Dean Kennedy Says:

    And, of course, the law that was being enforced was the local anti-carry ordnance. So, no anti-carry laws, no O.K. Corral.

  6. IllTemperedCur Says:

    So the article is about “businesses”, yet the only business they seemingly talked to is the one gas station owner. Everything else is about carry on campus, which I would expect is probably not legal under the new law anyway.

  7. Joat Says:

    “Zimla attended a question and answer session with campus police”

    Don’t ask police questions about the law, if you have a question about the law ask a lawyer. The police have very little training in the law and there is no penalty to them if they give you wrong information.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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