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Brits building a Death Star

It’s only a little one.

8 Responses to “Brits building a Death Star”

  1. HL Says:

    For all the talk of Zombies, Zantraedi are far more likely. So this type of work may evolve into something that can shoot down a space cruiser.

    We need it.

    But I am little leary about firing this thing off and tearing open the Ley Line through which Yogg Sothoth is ushered forth onto Terra.

    Those Brits are going to fuck around with the Illudium PU-36 Space Modulator and open up a hell-mouth.

  2. Matt Says:

    What catagory do you check on the 4473 for an orbital laser cannon?

  3. Jake Says:

    Meh. I’d rather have a wave-motion gun.

  4. Ellen Says:

    I’ll take Light Hawk Wings. They can be used for defense as well as offense.

  5. Drake Says:

    +1 Jake

  6. comatus Says:


    It had to be said.

    Thank you.
    (Disclosure: Joseph Lucas was a very fine man who made good gas valves. A teetotaler, he took one vacation, to Italy, drank the water, and died of it. He never made a bad electrical part in his life.)

  7. Bobby Says:

    Possibly the hottest thing in existence… hope those particles that they think fill all of the vacuum don’t react/burn.

  8. Oakenheart Says:

    Precursor to a Hellbore?! Go for it, I want one of those 😉

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