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TSA Scanners

Government glossed over cancer concerns of scanners.

5 Responses to “TSA Scanners”

  1. Cargosquid Says:

    This is my shocked face.

    Oh, not because they did it…but that its actually getting reported.

  2. Paul Says:

    Just part of Obamacare!

    Die early, save Social Security from going under.

    Notice they now recommend NOT to screen people for cancer at 50+.

    Hope for change in 2012.

  3. Sparky Says:

    This is my shocked face 😐

  4. Phelps Says:

    If only someone had thought of this earlier!

  5. Ann Says:

    I was impressed to find this bi-partisan action:

    Please pass it along to anyone you think would be interested. Thanks

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