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Answering stupid questions

Why don’t presidents fight the war?

Because if they did, Vladimir Putin would be king of the world.

11 Responses to “Answering stupid questions”

  1. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Just look at how well Khaddafi and Saddam fought. That’s why War should be left to the Professionals.

  2. Mike Branson Says:

    But think what a great sci-fi movie this would make.

    Two presidents enter, one president leaves! Two presidents enter, one president leaves!

  3. Drake Says:

    Andrew Jackson

  4. Ron W Says:

    I’d be satisfied if presidents just operated according to their delegated powers and asked Congress for a Declaration of War or a Letter of Marque and Reprisal before going to war.I have to go by my job description (or get fired), so I expect my employees to go by their’s.

  5. kbiel Says:

    We would have to elect another Texan. No, not Perry; I speak of Chuck Norris of course.

  6. j t bolt Says:

    I remember a comedian YEARS ago with this suggestion. The vibe in my head says Dennis Miller, but I think it was before he came around. Said comedian wanted to see the Carter-Castro boxing match. Sure, Fidel had the size advantage, but Jimmy is wiry and faster. It’d be a good bout.

  7. Ted N(not the Nuge) Says:

    Obama vs. Putin would be comedy gold.

  8. HL Says:

    Because Germany would have defeated the U.S. in WWII. Polio is a bitch.

  9. Drake Says:

    HL, let’s hope FDR would have tagged in Truman.

  10. HL Says:

    Well, and Western Civilization would have turned out totally different, and we wouldn’t have the USA as we know it.

    I suspect Harold Godwinson would have smote that “wee bastard” William The Conqueror at Hastings in 1066. See what I did there with William “The Bastard”? Huh? See it?

    Anyhoo, I doubt System of a Down would ever formed if Hastings turned out differently. Shit, the west may have never repelled the Muslim horde, much less the Nazi…if the Nazis ever even would have existed.

    Would Rome have been razed by Hannibal? He was an imposing fucker too.

  11. HL Says:

    Or would “System” counter with “Hey, we said why don’t presidents fight the wars…those guys are Dukes and Kings and such, not Presidents.”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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