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Welfare mentality

You’re not entitled to a damned thing. Get over it.

10 Responses to “Welfare mentality”

  1. mike w. Says:

    The really sad thing about his comment is that JD basically supports the entire town by having the business there.

    Let’s see how Mr. Rogers feels when taxation drives the company to another town, totally destroying Lynchburg’s economy.

  2. Bubblehead Les Says:

    So a guy who was born in 1936, who was too young for WW2, missed the Korean War, MIGHT have done his 2 years in the Draft, then came home and lived in the best country in the world at the peak of it’s Civilization is whining because he decided to stay in a Company Town instead of taking advantage of the Freedom to move to a better location, and is bitching because HE DESERVES MORE?

    Soylent Green might not be a Bad Idea after all.

  3. BobG Says:

    They should move; then let the town people see how they like it.
    Damn leeches.

  4. Bryan S. Says:

    Why is anyone surprised? He was born and grew up through all kinds of government handouts. Sure, the WWII generation fought Hitler, but also ushered in the largest hand out and fleecing program of all, Social Security.

  5. The Comedian Says:

    Ida May Fuller, the first recipient of monthly Social Security retirement benefits, worked for three years under the Social Security program.

    The accumulated taxes on her salary during those three years was a total of $24.75.

    Her initial monthly check was $22.54. During her lifetime she collected a total of $22,888.92 in Social Security benefits.

    Entitled indeed.

  6. Lyle Says:

    You’re entitled to the protection of your liberty.

  7. Jonathan Says:

    I have already stated this on the other site. Play chicken or get ate. JD needs to close their shop (and tours) for 2 weeks. I know its a hardship on the workers, but if they vote it in (vote by omission or not), then they can pay too. After the two week period, at the next county meeting request if they would really like to continue the tax, or open the plant and tours back up.

  8. Diomed Says:

    You’re entitled to the air you’re breathing. Everything else is up to you.

  9. Gene Hoffman Says:

    What I don’t get is that the town has a revenue source staring it in the face. Charge for parking? Hello?


  10. Ian Argent Says:

    Distilleries, sadly, can’t really up and move. Unless they truck water to their new location, the taste will change.

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