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TSA at work

They manage to miss a loaded gun in a checked bag but they find a woman’s sex toy and leave an inappropriate note.

2 Responses to “TSA at work”

  1. Robb Allen Says:

    About the dong-placebo, notice how the TSA is saying they aren’t responsible for the note because there’s no way they can monitor every bag, every step of the way and that anyone could have written it?

    Because, if that’s the case… why even have the TSA? What good is an overbearing security apparatus if it can’t even ensure that ‘terrorists’ aren’t manhandling the bags?

  2. Jake Says:

    why even have the TSA? What good is an overbearing security apparatus if it can’t even ensure that ‘terrorists’ aren’t manhandling the bags?

    To get the people used to ever-increasing levels of government invasion and control, of course.

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