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The scam of traffic safety

Your GPS is less believable to a judge than an officer with a stop watch. Traffic safety, largely, is a revenue stream. Most people drive, safely, a bit over the speed limit. Wait, we’ve talked about this before.

Police no longer function to protect and serve. They function to collect a tax.

5 Responses to “The scam of traffic safety”

  1. Barron Barnett Says:

    Which is why you fight every ticket. Win or loose it costs them money.

    If more people did it it would grind the system to a halt and most would be dismissed for lack of speedy trial.

    It became obvious on the ticket I got last month it was about the money when he told me I was doing 8 faster than I really was, claimed his dash cam had it. It’s not a reasonable doubt case for a ticket, just a preponderance of evidence. And the prosecutor is only using his cookie cutter (seriously) sworn affidavit so it would be statement vs statement. So I get to go through the process of doing a public records request for the video (which should help prove an inconsistency in his affidavit and get it thrown out).

    Is all this time worth more than the 100 bucks, Oh hell’s yeah, my time goes at about 100 an hour for my principal occupation. *Note I could also defer it for 150 to save it from being reported to my insurance as well.* It’s the principal of the matter. Had I actually been speeding like that I wouldn’t have cared and would pay it.

    Evidently the judge out here is a bit of a prick, but hopefully I can successfully derail the officer’s statement. Once it’s all wrapped up I plan on writing up a blog post on it (with pictures of the area as well as scans of the documentation).

  2. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Airspeed, Groundspeed, Winds Aloft, Plane’s location in relationship to the road, doing Trig Functions with having “Delta” figured in, all while Piloting a Plane using the Mark One Eyeball. “Please explain to the Court, Officer, how your System is better than a GPS System, which the Federal Government uses for its Drone Flights to take out Terrorists, please.”

  3. Paul Says:

    “Police no longer function to protect and serve. They function to collect a tax”….

    And that is what Al Capone’s thugs did. So what’s the difference? Oh, yea we elected their masters.

    The bike gangs have this theory. They feel cops are just another gang that enforces the rules of those that are ‘connected’.

    Interesting theory.

  4. Aaron Says:

    My GPS gives me my current speed and routinely matches what is on my speedometer. Exactly.

    That said, there are a lot of people on the highway that are being just plain reckless. On roads where the posted speed is 55, the prevailing speed is about 65, there are jackasses a-plenty who feel that we’re all in his/her way and are doing 70+ and weaving, too, which endangers everyone else. That sort of driving should be HEAVILY penalized, not someone who blips their throttle and safely goes a bit over the limit on a straightaway.

  5. Says:

    I have been driving I35 in Texas a lot lately. Past 3 trips I saw the same 10 mile stretch of road with 4 separate police cars all with cars pulled over. I reckon that Milford and Italy must have a huge revenue stream from these drivers.

    I fight all tickets and not one ever touched my record.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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