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Space cowboys

First, NASA has a SWAT team? Next, doesn’t the government have anything better to do than putting on flak jackets, storming a Denny’s and harassing a grandmother trying to raise money for her sick son?

4 Responses to “Space cowboys”

  1. Tam Says:

    Well, yes, NASA has a tactical team for security at their big facilities. So does the Department of Energy out at Oak Ridge.

    Fetching moon dirt from California is a little outside their normal operating environment…

  2. ParatrooperJJ Says:

    The space shuttle was a very big target for Spetsnaz back in the day. Possessing moon rocks is a federal felony.

  3. comatus Says:

    I’ll go out on a limb and state that not one milli-ounce of Moon Rock has ever been on a space shuttle.

    If you make your moondust into jewelry, is there an exemption, like there was for that other felony element?

  4. Kristopher Says:

    comatus: All of the retrieved moonrocks are federal property under US law.

    Any of the rocks that were loaned to foreign governments and then sold without permission will be seized if they re-appear in the US.

    If someone brings some back with a private moon shot, then there will probably be a court fight over it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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