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Party of the rich

Obama gets more Wall Street money than republicans.

5 Responses to “Party of the rich”

  1. mikee Says:

    The way the Democrats get their support from Wall Street is simple. They extort it.

    Using “pay to play” regarding legislation, regulation, enforcement, and bailouts, if a company does NOT financially support the Democrats, they are likely to find themselves without a waiver from oppressive regulations, or on the short end of a bailout, or suddenly enforced into bankruptcy. This is corruption of the most basic kind, differing from a Mafia protection racket only in that the racketeers among the Democrats went to the best schools and have political pedigrees stretching back several generations.

  2. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Just love those Billionaire Marxists. Lenin must be screaming down in Hell “NO! You Stupid Idiots! THEY’RE THE ENEMY!”

  3. phigmeta Says:

    Hey Uncle, there was an ad for “vote not on I-8533” or something … so i click it and it was a blue utopia powered website (thats a liberal web hoting provider)

    I thought it would be pretty sweet to have the liberals paying you so I setup a script that clicks thier site using your HREF over 5000 times an hour. (HREF is how they figure out who gets paid for the click thru)

    Enjoy that cash bro

  4. Sebastian The Blogless Says:

    A lot of Obama apologists I’ve discussed this with are pretty shocked to learn that he’s hip deep in Wall St.

  5. Lyle Says:

    “Obama gets more Wall Street money than republicans.”

    Does he even want any more Republicans? Surely he’d rather have the Wall Street money than have him some more Republicans.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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