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LA SWAT teams ‘cache’ of weapons goes missing.

5 Responses to “Oops”

  1. andrew s Says:

    Obviously, stricter controls on gun shows would have prevented this! it’s common sense!

  2. Huck Says:

    “high-powered submachine guns”? Is that the ignant media talking or “the only ones”? Hell, these days there aint much difference between them when it comes to firearms “expertise”.

  3. D2k Says:

    So do you think they have blank firing adapters or simunitions.
    If it’s simunitions they would actually need new barrels at least, but that’s hardly a big deal.
    Removing blank firing adapters would be stupid easy though.

  4. mikee Says:

    Is this a case of a local back-door sale, or a local robbery, or in-house corruption?

    Embarrassing is the least thing this could be. More likely this is a case of multiple felonies likely to lead to the death of innocents. This goes way beyond embarrassing.

  5. Beaumont Says:

    Has that doofus deputy from Maine (who left his Glock and badge in a car in K-town, & had them stolen) transferred to LA SWAT?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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