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Government at work

Astronauts returning from moon had to go through customs.

7 Responses to “Government at work”

  1. Vinnie Says:

    The next trip through Chinese customs when they land.

  2. North Says:

    I say it is FAKE! The date is wrong, and is doesn’t list Barry as part of the cargo. I say he came from Mare Kenyis and this is obviously Photoshopped.

  3. BobG Says:

    Gotta keep the red tape people happy, I guess.

  4. Mike M. Says:

    I’m not sure if this was red tape, or someone in Customs wanting a trophy. Quite possibly the latter.

  5. adam Says:


    At least they followed procedure – if a .gov official bypassed a security measure like that these days, everyone would be up in arms over it. Astronauts – like you and me, only with a crap ton of sky miles.. lol

  6. mikee Says:

    One of the astronauts also got himself designated a postmaster and postmarked mail on the moon. Made the stamp collectors happy!

  7. Ian Argent Says:

    I see someone read “The Man Who Sold The Moon.”

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