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In Brady’s highest rated state.

3 Responses to “Unpossible”

  1. Hartley Says:

    In other news, it appears that the police SWAT teams in Californistan have graduated from black ninja outfits to multicam.

  2. DirtCrashr Says:

    Dude, I can see that quarry from my house. Right below it is where the Sunnyvale Rod & Gun Club has their bulls-eye matches.
    The multicam outfits is because further up in the hills there’s a lot of pot-growing that Mexican narcos have taken-over. The hell with mountain lions, watch out for the guy with the AK – from the BATFE…

  3. Kirk Parker Says:

    He fired two shots into the air to grab everyone’s attention.

    If he had tried that here, it certainly would have grabbed my attention. It also would have been the last shots he ever fired.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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