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You mean the Glock 7?

What happened the the mythical undetectable plastic gun?

I saw it in Die Hard 2.

5 Responses to “You mean the Glock 7?”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    I saw Die Hard 2 on Netflix the other night and watched it JUST for the “Glock 7” line.

    Worst of the movies IMHO, but that’s a quality LOL

  2. RWC Says:

    Too much reading Uncle…

    Here ya go…

  3. Robert Says:

    That movie had more plot holes in it than bullet holes. And it had a *$@& load of bullet holes.

  4. Bram Says:

    Are the bullets plastic too? Aren’t they going to notice a stack of pistol cartridges in the x-ray?

  5. TIM Says:

    Cool Post.I could see things going that way in the future.Doubt they will ever be available to general public.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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