Archive for September, 2011

September 23, 2011

Living in the future

Everything you know is wrong. Well, maybe. We’re not sure yet. Wait! We don’t know.

I’m confused.

Disabling OnStar

Here. Or, you know, don’t buy a GM.

Chicks and guns

Doing it right.

Doing it wrong.

ATF and guns in Mexico

Issa says DOJ is stonewalling

ATF internal email: Terry murder link preceded intimidation

Grassley discusses the released tapes

Million Dollar Gun


They don’t matter

Simpler reason: They’re shills.

Gun safety

Hard to feel sympathy for a guy who shot himself while drawing his gun on a robbery victim.

Gun Porn

Modern Sporting Camera

Mossy 590

Boberg 9mm and range report

Chiappa Lever Gun

September 22, 2011


And lots of it.

Win Gun Stuff

Over at The Arms Dealer, they’re giving away gun stuff. Also, check them out. They do classifieds, and reviews.

How dare they make up terms! That’s what we do!

Media nonMatters is butthurt that the NSSF is using the term Modern Sporting Rifles to describe the most popular, uhm, sporting rifles in the country. The NSSF responds and defends the term.

I guess they’re upset when we use their tactics of making up terms to spin a positive instead of negative light on popular rifles:

Assault weapons—just like armor-piercing bullets, machine guns, and plastic firearms—are a new topic. The weapons’ menacing looks, coupled with the public’s confusion over fully automatic machine guns versus semi-automatic assault weapons—anything that looks like a machine gun is assumed to be a machine gun—can only increase the chance of public support for restrictions on these weapons. In addition, few people can envision a practical use for these weapons.

Keep your booger hook off the bang switch

Speaking of TN gun handling

A woman involved in a domestic dispute grabs a sawed off shotty to shoot her beau. He slams the door on her and she shoots herself in the foot.

What caliber for house fire?

Tennessee man doesn’t call 911 when house catches fire. Chooses to shoot at it instead.

I dunno if it’s true but it made me laugh.

Gun Blogger Rendezvous

KeeWee has a lot of pics.

A little birdy told me she missed my accent. She’s one to talk about accents.

NAGR and national reciprocity

The National Association for Gun Rights is not a fan.

I have a Les Paul around here somewhere

A rally to support Gibson Guitars.

Remington 870 Shotgun Versus M4 Carbine

Here. Interesting though I tend not to think of the two as comparable.

Government Motors

OnStar, a subsidiary of GM, will monitor you even if you cancel the service. This and the bailout, another reason not to buy GM.

Graphics matter

Part two

Watching the watchmen

The Justice Department cracks down on police. I would be impressed but no one that I know of is watching the JD, who like to selectively enforce the law.

Speaking of losing your job

I did too. But here’s something that struck me funny:

Of the more useless websites out there, is one of them.

Funny headline is funny

Anonymous US officials push open government. But they would probably lose their job if they weren’t anonymous.

ATF allowing guns in Mexico: The hits keep coming

Audio recordings between the main dealer and ATF: Watch your back.

Anyone who thinks it was inadvertent is a fool.

Collateral damage. Wow.

Obstruction. I am shocked.

Issa holds phone conference with bloggers.

Hope and change

Sara Lee cannot advertise a low-fat turkey sandwich during the Superbowl due to Obama administration regulations.

Rick Perry’s New Ad

It’s pretty powerful.

Gun Porn

New stock for Uzi pro


September 21, 2011

In Wisconsin

The requirements and training qualifications not released and won’t be until a few weeks before the law goes into effect. It’s like the WI DOJ is making it difficult on purpose or something.

Favorite defensive handgun loads

I’m not sure why 22LR is on the list.

That’s rich

Ask David Codrea and Mike Vanderbough about reporters not giving credit for bloggers work. So it’s amusing to me to see reporters crying about people taking their story ideas without crediting it.

Ruger .44 Spl. Flat Top Blackhawk

Dick Williams has a look.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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