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Only cops should have guns

So they can buy and sell machine guns illegally. Or something. Also, the FDA is involved? I guess they’re taking the regulation of Sara Lee sammiches and cigars seriously.

6 Responses to “Only cops should have guns”

  1. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    Ahh, Lake County, Indiana, producting nothing but corruption and vice since Michael Jackson left.

  2. ParatrooperJJ Says:

    FDA has juristiction over lasers.

  3. jefferson101 Says:

    Surely you remember the old quote from the Cowboy movies? “Eat lead, varmit!”

    Someone at the FDA heard that in 2003, and it’s been their biggest concern since then!

  4. Sigivald Says:

    As ParaJJ says, the FDA handles laser regulation.

    (The FDA should be abolished, I think, but if the Feds want to regulate lasers in commerce, some agency has to do it, and I prefer coopting the FDA to inventing yet another agency.

    And at least I can see a state interest in regulating a product (lasers > 5mw) that can cause instant eye damage… so I can give them that.)

    A little research suggests that military/police laser designators (also combined with IR illuminators) can produce something in the line of 85mw of power – that would definitely get the FDA’s attention.

  5. Jeff Says:

    Ironically enough, the FDA did a search warrant on my house about a decade ago. I know it wasn’t quite a decade, because I had already become a police officer, and I distinctly recall that I didn’t appreciate them hitting the wrong house and then not apologizing about it after the fact. Apparently, a Hawaiian guy that had lived there a long time ago may have been making illegal nutritional supplements. not illegal drugs, illegal nutritional suppliments.

  6. Ron W Says:


    “Apparently, a Hawaiian guy that had lived there a long time ago may have been making illegal nutritional supplements. not illegal drugs, illegal nutritional suppliments”


    The FDA is in cahoots with Big Pharma,part of the corporate fascist oligarchy which has long since hi-jacked our nation. They don’t want us healthy, they wanta keep us dependent, treating our symptoms and ailments with their drugs. They’ve already decreed that only a drug can prevent, treat or cure a disease. I see now they’re making drugs out of fish oil and the B-vitamin Niacin for instance and, of course,those are all good and can be legally advertised.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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