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You don’t have a right to anything that must be provided to you by other people

And there is no right to know.

10 Responses to “You don’t have a right to anything that must be provided to you by other people”

  1. TennGoodBoy Says:

    Doctors need to clean up their own act. I think they kill about 200,000 people a year thru errors or mistakes or laziness or whatever. You can look it up.

  2. wizardpc Says:

    From the article, talking about residents of Florida:

    “They can brandish their guns openly or conceal them (except in a few places, such as federal buildings or polling places). ”

    Oh, sure, they can “brandish their guns openly” just like they’re “free to rob the local kwik-e-mart.” Layers of editorial oversight, and all.

  3. Oakenheart Says:

    Yale lawyer who writes for NY times. What a piece of crap he is.

  4. dustydog Says:

    Hmm – a gang-banging minor goes to a doctor in Miami, and either a) the doctor fails to ask about guns and the kid shoots somebody or b) the doctor asks and the kid says he has guns but the doctor doesn’t report it to police and the kid shoots somebody, or c) the doctor does report and the police do nothing until the patient murders somebody, or d) the doctor reports and the police leap into action and secure the bad guns.

    In cases a-c above, there are real victims of the doctor’s action/inaction who should sue the doctor and his insurance company into bankruptcy. In case d, the patient still has a good claim to sue.

    Another court ruling to punish the innocent and protect the guilty.

  5. Wolfwood Says:

    You know, I was thinking about this, and I’m not sure it’s a good argument. You have the right to an attorney in most criminal cases, which requires a person’s services. You have a right to vote, which requires polling station workers and vote counters.

  6. ATLien Says:

    I don’t like reading things like that. It brings out the sociopath in me.

  7. Hartley Says:

    Wolfwood, you are correct, because we need to distinguish between two rather different sorts of rights, and Unc didn’t.
    One set of rights are those that are “endowed by our creator” as inalienable rights – and none of those are provided to you by other people. Things like “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness”, self-defense, ownership of property, freedom from slavery, etc.
    The other set are rights we, as a society, have chosen to grant to our citizens – things like the right to an attorney, unemployment benefits, MediCare, etc. These clearly ARE provided by other people, but only because we, the people, have collectively decided to provide them. Whether you and I as individuals agree with these “rights” is another story entirely..:-)

    So Unc needed to clarify which rights he was talking about, but I suspect he’d agree it was the former, not the latter.

  8. mikee Says:

    Rights aren’t granted. Rights are inherent.

    The right to an attorney is a due process right, which recognized the right, inherent in the individual, to be treated fairly by the authorities in government.

    Unemployment benefits are not a right. They are a social compact, decided upon by the citizens and enacted into law by their representatives in legislatures. This law is revocable at will by legislation, without impact upon any individual right. Medicare, similarly, is revocable by legislation.

    The problem in Florida is that the question by pediatricians about firearms in the home was meant to be a step towards firearm registration by the government. This was well recognized by pro-rights groups, and fought on that basis.

    I don’t mind at all if a pediatrician suggests safe behaviors, medically indicated life choices, or even a method of safe storage of chemicals, firearms, and other household items. I do mind if the pediatrician enters into my medical record information not of a medical nature that can be used against me by others, at some later date.

  9. Leatherwing Says:

    You don’t have explicit right to an attorney at any time for any reason. You only have that right if the state is trying to throw you in prison. Then they are obligated to provide an attorney for you. If they drop their case, your right to a free attorney gets dropped as well.

  10. TIM Says:

    The right for a Doctor to refuse service to you if they find out you are a gun owner is ludacris.Its not a Doctors job to patrol are homes.They are in place to heal us when sick.And Its crazy how they always report on the shooting in Arizona that there is no way a crazy man could have killed so many people if he didnt have a high cap. mag is stupid.He could have easily killed as many people with a small cap. mag and be quick at reload.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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