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And how much do I deserve?

No doubt, she thinks the .gov should dole out what we plebs deserve:

Dem Congresswoman: “You Don’t Deserve To Keep All” Of Your Money

7 Responses to “And how much do I deserve?”

  1. John Smith. Says:

    That is very white of her…

  2. Mike Says:

    I agree with her: If you voted for her, or if you voted for a representative JUST LIKE HER, then you DON’T deserve to keep even most of your pay.

    You get what you deserve, neh?

  3. bob r Says:

    “If you voted for her, or if you voted for a representative JUST LIKE HER, then you DON’T deserve to keep even most of your pay.”

    A big problem here: I end up getting what *they* deserve also.

  4. Lyle Says:

    Dear Congresswoman; You don’t deserve to be telling me what to do, what not to do, or how much of my property I can keep, most especially whenever there is a spoken or an unspoken “or else” attached. Your job as my servant is to protect my liberty and freedom. Do it, and other wise your own damned business, or else.

  5. Joseph Says:

    The Congresswoman makes a couple of mistakes: One, not answering the question and two, the statement “…we all decide to do together.” The people really have no say in what the government does anymore. The do what they want and the people have to deal with it.

  6. Paul B Says:

    If I don’t deserve to keep what I earned from the sweat of my brow, neither does that skanky bitch. I know there are no photos, but most dem women are, at best, as described.

  7. Disavowed & Disillusioned Says:

    She all but said what we have known about the leftist elite for so long. They really do think that we are here to serve our government. They have forgotten (if they ever really knew) that our government is here to serve us. We, unfortunately, have allowed them to take control over what they deem a priority and a worthy financial expenditure “for our benefit”. Nearly NONE of which involves maintaining our military or protecting our borders which is our government’s first responsibility. I’ve heard of a time when public service was a noble and honorable sacrifice that was made for the sake of it’s citizens. It is not likely that I will ever see a time like that because NONE of us have proven that we are willing to do what it takes by holding each of these hollow suits and skirts accountable. Now we work for them on both sides of the isle. We tolerate ourselves into slavery. As long as we get that check. As long as we don’t have to sacrifice too much. Wake up folks, here is truly what most of us have become… We’re frogs in a pot. Uncle Sam is just turning the heat up slowly so we don’t hop out. You have two choices… 1.) Wake the hell up! or 2.) Enjoy your swim.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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