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The gun industry loves Obama

So says MSNBC. My experience on who is buying guns is anecdotal but I’ve had at least six people, who’ve never owned guns before, contact me to go gun shopping. The most memorable was the husband of my wife’s friend who had never owned a single gun before. He said he wanted one because he thought Obama didn’t want him to have one. I accompanied him to the gun show where he bought two identical AR-15s and two Glock 17s. On the way out, he picked up a lever action 22 for his son.

Also key from Robert: Americans are taking advantage of liberalized concealed carry laws to buy smaller handguns

8 Responses to “The gun industry loves Obama”

  1. Bubblehead Les Says:

    So if Perry wins, does this mean the price of Guns and Ammunition will go down?

  2. A Critic Says:

    “Also key from Robert”

    Um, I thought y’all agreed not to link there?

  3. SayUncle Says:

    we did? i thought we concluded there was no conspiracy?

  4. mikee Says:

    The gun industry does not love Obama. The gun industry loves their customers. Except, of course, H&K.

  5. Jack Says:

    No conspiracy.

    If you don’t want to link to a given person you don’t have to.

    As for sales, nothing strikes them up like the fear of increased risk in the future. I have a friend in NY who is jumping through all the hoops to get a CCW due to fears that the process will become much worse.

  6. countertop Says:

    why wouldn’t you link to someone with something worthwhile to say?

    as to the subject of this post – I look forward to the first range report (and pictures)

  7. Lyle Says:

    Yup. My anecdote is noticing, first, that our gun show business went to sleep right when Bush 41 was elected the first time. During the Bubba (Clinton) administration, gun shows were popping with excitement. Gun store owners posted signs showing Bubba, with the caption, “Salesman of the Year” and right after the Bush election things were deadsville until 9/11. Then our regular business shot up again in October of 2008.

  8. Standard Mischief Says:

    Americans are taking advantage of liberalized concealed carry laws to buy smaller handguns

    No no no, that was the unintended consequences of the ban on full-capacity handgun magazines. This was a Big Issue with the Brady Crowd, causing much hand-wringing and proving yet again that it’s not about crime control, it’s not about gun control, it’s about control. They want ’em all gone, reasonably compromised a wee bit at a time if needed.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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