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A gun in every room

15 places to mount a pistol safe in your home.

One Response to “A gun in every room”

  1. Jeff the Baptist Says:

    To be blunt, Simplex locks suck and are the illusion of security. They have something like a thousand possible combinations and can be brute forced in something like 30 minutes. As such they shouldn’t be used to secure anything outside of your direct line of sight.

    Yes, they are better than a holster under the loveseat. Yes, they will stop a random cat-burglar from quickly getting your gun and using against you. But they will not stop anyone with regular unattended access to that lockbox from getting access to the gun. Like your small children or a curious coworker. Or anyone who realizes that the lockbox is just held to the wall with a magnet. And there are a number of other 4-8 digit electronic numeric locks that are better and possibly cheaper.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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