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9/11 Revolver

A revolver carried by a NY police officer into the World Trade Center.

2 Responses to “9/11 Revolver”

  1. Rivrdog Says:

    Let’s not get too carried away here. The only thing to commemorate about that particular firearm is that it came from a Statist government which is allowed, presently, to ignore the Second Amendment. It’s owner’s bravery shouldn’t extend to the gun, which is only a tool, remember?

    Send your money to the Second Amendment Foundation, and maybe within our lifetimes, those Statist laws will be removed from the books. You could send your money to the NRA, but they aren’t even asking the right questions yet, let alone doing much about NY’s anti-2A climate.

  2. BlueWaters Says:

    Was the guy off duty? What’s with the hammerless J-frame? Backup gun maybe?

    (Just dawn on me that any Glocks or Glock clones being carried would have mostly been melted away, and what remained would have been unrecognizable to the average Joe cleaning up down there).

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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