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National Right To Carry

Chris Cox at The Daily Caller:

The National Right-to-Carry Act would solve this problem by requiring the various states that allow concealed carry to recognize each other’s permits — much in the same way they recognize each other’s driver’s licenses.

Not been a fan of this because I think it could open up to the feds regulating carry but Cox assures:

There are some who agree with the spirit of H.R. 822 but are concerned that it would create a “federal gun licensing” system. This is simply not true. The bill explicitly protects the right of each state to issue its own permits and determine its own rules and regulations with regard to concealed carry — such as where carrying is prohibited and where it’s allowed.

14 Responses to “National Right To Carry”

  1. Jim S. Says:

    How many times have the federal government promised not to regulate something yet later did because it was in the government’s jurisdiction to do so?

  2. LC Scotty Says:

    “The bill explicitly protects the right of each state to issue its own permits and determine its own rules and regulations with regard to concealed carry — such as where carrying is prohibited and where it’s allowed.”

    And if NY doesn’t like the way TN issues CC permits, they’ll stop issuing them altogether?

  3. Sebastiano Who Loves Darwin Says:

    Yeah, just like the Feds regulate our drivers licenses, right? Durrrrrrrrrrr

    I think the TP has made a legitimate concern about where our country is going fiscally turn into the “ZOMG GOVT IS TEH EVILLEST BOOGIE MAN AND EVERYTHING THE FEDS DO IS BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD” irrationality that is exactly what worrying about a national carry bill is.

    Sorry guys, Cox is right on this and we should get behind it.

  4. Bubblehead Les Says:

    I like the Idea a lot, but the political realties are this: A)I don’t think Harry Reid will get into the Senate. B) If it does pass the House and the Senate, Obama will Veto it. C) If the Congress does override the Veto, then some Commie Federal Judge somewhere will immediately stop it by declaring it “Unconstitutional” because it violates “States Rights”. D) Then it’ll have to make it’s way to SCOTUS, where, depending on the Current Line Up, and if Kennedy is on his Meds or Not, it’ll be Ruled Upon. E) IF ruled in Favor of the RKBA, then all the VolksRepubliks will immediately call their State/Commonwealths Legislatures into Session, where they will Remove the Right to Carry Concealed, turning tens of thousands of Permit Holders into Criminals, and will NOT Honor any other States CCW Permits (think of what DC and Chicago are doing right now in spite of the 2 SCOTUS Rulings against them).

    Which is why I prefer a Constitutional Convention where the 2A gets changed to “All U.S. Citizens above the age of 18 can carry any Damn thing they Want, When they Want, How they want, Where they want, except into Prisons, Jails and Mental Hospitals. NO STATE, COMMONWEALTH, TRIBAL TERRITORY, U.S. TERRITORIES AND POSSESSIONS AND FEDERAL PROPERTY SHALL BE DECLARED EXEMPT, EITHER, AND THIS MEANS YOU!”

    Exceptions for the Criminally Insane, Mentally Challenged, and Hard-Core Convicted Felons, of course.

  5. ParatrooperJJ Says:

    Trust me when I say a ConCon is the last thing we want….

  6. Jake Says:

    I have to agree with Uncle and Jim S. I don’t trust the FedGov to change its mind later and quietly slip something into a “must pass” bill when they think no one is looking.

    SebastianWhateverMyNameIsThisWeek: a) AFAIK, the feds never passed a law requiring states to recognize each others drivers licenses – the states sorted all that out on their own; b) the issue of whether people should even be allowed to drive was never actually an issue, unlike the issue of concealed carry. Nice attempt at a straw man, though.

  7. Steve Says:

    I think you could make a 2A as well as a full faith and credit argument that a state issued CCW must be recognized in every corner of the USA and congress is within bounds pass a law enforcing the constitution.
    In any event, I don’t see how the proposed law is worse than the current situation where states are free to regard the 2A as optional.
    I have to agree that a con con is about the worst idea imaginable. The arrival of the founding fathers, all in the right place, at the right time is nothing short of a miracle. Our current generation of leaders isn’t fit to wipe their bums, let alone rewrite the constitution

  8. Rivrdog Says:

    You are right, Uncle, so stick to your guns.

    For everyone who thinks the dot-gov WON’T use this as a back door to regulate, I suggest looking at such diverse subjects as the “Real ID Act”, drinking-age limitations, the national speed limit during the Arab Oil Embargo and others. Also, consider that most of THOSE intrusions on states’ rights were perpetrated by relatively benign Federal Administrations. Today’s dictatorial federal Administration wouldn’t wait ten seconds after the ink was dry on that law before using Executive Orders to modify it into draconian gun control.

    Areas they would attack are the various States’ differing training/qualification requirements, magazine capacity limits, even bullet design of ammo a-la NJ.

    This one’s a non-starter in my book, too, Uncle.

  9. Kristopher Says:

    I’ve got a better plan.

    Elect a President who is not afraid to start a civil rights violation prosecution every time some honest person is arrested for exercising his right to keep and bear arms.

    Fill some new gulag in Alaska with local cops and prosecutors until the retards finally figure out that we will tolerate these laws just as much as we tolerate segregation statutes.

  10. rickn8or Says:

    Exceptions for the Criminally Insane, Mentally Challenged, and Hard-Core Convicted Felons, of course.”

    Les, I would add “and any elected official while he holds office.”

  11. ctr Says:

    “and any elected official while he holds office.”

    – I believe that would be redundant. He covered those guys in the original sentence.

  12. Secesh Says:

    I say trust the .gov. They’ve never screwed us before, have they?

  13. mariner Says:

    I think Cox is wrong, and I’m not in favor.

    Most states have some sort of reciprocity, and it’s getting better every year without any involvement by the FedGov.

    Getting more people on our side state-by-state will pay dividends, perhaps in other areas. Let’s keep pressing for improvements at the state level, where this stuff should be handled anyway.

  14. Steve Says:

    Here is the real question…Why don’t the republicans ever bring up this bill when it has a chance of passing and getting signed into law?
    I won’t hold my breath waiting for New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts to sign a reciprocity agreement with New Hampshire. Or Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maryland. Or California or Illinois.
    My permit is good in a bunch of states throughout the US but have you ever tried driving out of New England without driving through New York?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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