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Easy for you to say


4 Responses to “Easy for you to say”

  1. HL Says:

    I am constantly lectured on what a brilliant orator he is.

    As Ann pointed out in her recent book, basically the only difference between the last two Presidents in their speaking ability is that Bush couldn’t pronounce “Nuclear”, while Obama can’t pronounce “Pakistan”.

  2. Jeffersonian Says:

    Many years ago I read about scientists who had monkeys smoke marijuana to determine what, if any, effect it had on them.

    After smoking marijauna daily for 6 months the monkeys were totally incoherent.

    Much like Obama.

  3. 45er Says:

    Abeda abeda abeda… That’s all folks!

  4. Bobby Says:

    Not to be that guy, but… At what point is a monkey coherent?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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