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I have this old gun

Lewis Light Machine Gun

5 Responses to “I have this old gun”

  1. DirtCrashr Says:

    One of my favorites, since when I was a kid and “Snoopy and the Red Baron” was a hit-song…

  2. Diomed Says:

    I do have one!

    Remember, never ever leave the bolt closed after you finish firing. It doesn’t end well.

  3. Justthisguy Says:

    The Tyler of the Lodge should always be armed with a Lewis Gun. Sorry, I love annoying the Masons.

  4. Beaumont Says:

    I haven’t been that fortunate. When someone says, “I have this old gun”, it usually turns out to be a beat-up, rusty single-barrel shotgun.

  5. emdfl Says:

    Got a Class III license-holder friend who has a Lewis that he built from a chopped-up parts kit. I have hopes of shooting it one day…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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