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Egregious editing

Child’s unedited comments do not fit the narrative.

4 Responses to “Egregious editing”

  1. comatus Says:

    Aww, the boy wants to grow up to be a Chicago policeman. “Some might claim” (there’s some Reportorial English for you) that “society would be safer” if he just joined a gang.

    Cute kid, though. Sure like to get him out of there.

  2. jason Says:

    Wow. That’s pretty low.

  3. Crotalus Says:

    Not a real journalist among them. Jackals, every one.

  4. Veeshir Says:

    Where are the cries of racism?

    Editing film to make it look as if a black kid wants to be a gangbanger instead of a cop is racist, isn’t it?

    Or can you only be racist against Obama anymore?

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