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I miss those days

You know, when he just voted “present” instead of actually doing stuff. Oh, wait.

4 Responses to “I miss those days”

  1. Chas Says:

    A new stimulus package would allow Obama to claim credit if the economy picks up. The last two failed, but it’s important to him to be able to take credit for an improved economy, even though his stimulus packages will never have anything to do with economic improvement. It’s a con game he’s running on the American public.

    If a rain maker does a rain dance and it subsequently rains, he gets to take credit. If it doesn’t rain; it wasn’t going to rain anyway. It makes sense to Obama to try to con us, but it doesn’t make sense for us.

    Spending billions of dollars, via the inefficiency of government, instead of letting people spend their own money without the horribly expensive middleman of massive bureaucracy doing it for them, and borrowing the money to boot, so that there’s debt to repay, and interest on it besides, is economic depravity.

    Our, untethered from reality, aristocratic ruling class is depraved. Paul Krugman was arguing the other day that government should fund massive programs that have no point except to employ lots of people and spend lots of money, since that would improve the economy 18 months down the road. A massive, government effort to prepare for an imaginary extraterrestrial invasion was the example that he gave.

    There are Americans who have hard jobs and make little money. They, and their families are struggling, but they still have to pay taxes. Many people are on unemployment, but they still have to pay taxes. Krugman, depraved, Keynesian thug that he is, wants to take their money and spend it on nonsense, and justifies that with the discredited rationalization of “stimulus”. It’s no wonder that America is now described as pre-revolutionary.

    Krugman, like Keynes before him, is a snake oil salesman, who is selling politicians what they want to hear. He justifies their addiction to taxing and spending with his economic rationalizations. Naturally, they lap it up. It’s like telling an alcoholic that alcohol is a vitamin, so he should drink more of it. The next stimulus package will fail, like the last two did, but if the economy should happen to pick up, the pols will sing the praises of their rain dance, and we’ll be stuck with the poor value we got for the expenditure, and the additional debt, and the interest on that debt too.

    Our ruling class has to go.

  2. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Paraphrasing The Anointed One: “We need to Spend more money to help the Economy, while cutting Spending to help the Economy.”

    Yet over 40% of the Electorate would vote for this guy again?

  3. Ted N(not the Nuge) Says:

    And, I’m pretty sure he’s on another vacation. Fuck him, and everyone that looks like him. Lying douche.

  4. jason Says:

    Remind me, again, what the definition of insanity is?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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