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36 Responses to “who?”

  1. Kristopher Says:

    The ronulans are excellent organizers.

    It’s good to see someone making use of the wookiesuiters.

  2. Jay Says:

    I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time.

  3. Ted N(not the Nuge) Says:

    I do love our impartial media, fairly reporting everything they see, no bias at all…

  4. OHIO SHAWN Says:

    I’m not a T Party guy or a huge fan of some of Ron Paul’s thought on this or that, but the fact that the media completely ignores him does boggle the mind. One wonders what would have happened had he won the straw poll, would the news agencies have ignored the entire thing?

  5. Redd Nekk Says:

    The media’s doing the same thing to Paul that they did in ’08, ignoring him in hopes that he’ll go away. They see him as a major threat to their socialist utopia.

  6. wizardpc Says:

    or they recognize that he’s the crazy uncle in the corner. Like Kucinich.

  7. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Sigh! If by some chance, Mr. Paul won the White House, what would the Lamestream Media do? Besides having to deal with John Stewart going “Nyananyna” for 3 months, that is.

  8. Nylarthotep Says:

    Ron Paul is a good libertarian, but those people who vote in elections, who win the election for a candidate, will not vote for him. The centrists think he’s crazy in a Ross Perot sort of way. Not fair, but that bit of mud stuck a long time ago.

    I’ll stick with the Buckley rule:
    “The wisest choice would be the one who would win. No sense running Mona Lisa in a beauty contest. I’d be for the most right, viable candidate who could win. If you could convince me that Barry Goldwater could win, I’d vote for him.”

    Yep, it sucks, but the choice is that or Obama for completing the destruction he started.

  9. divemedic Says:

    The choices are: Liberal Republican (Romney), who is simply a Democrat lite,

    Liberal Democrat (Obama), spending our children’s money to buy votes today

    Religious Christian Taliban members (Perry and Bachmann), who advocate spending money to teach religion in school and want to start a nuclear war in the middle east.

  10. Phelps Says:

    Why aren’t the talking about him? Because he isn’t news. The Ronulans pack all the early polls, and when it gets to the REAL poll (actual votes), he doesn’t win anywhere outside of his district.

  11. Cormac Says:

    I’ve been complaining about this for days!
    I don’t remember ever hearing about him doing this well…so isn’t the whole idea of his inability to perform in the primary elections a bit moot?

    This is the first time I’ve ever considered him a viable option as a candidate, let alone as president.
    And if our choice is between one statist or another, I’ll vote for Obama. I would rather give congress somebody to oppose in the White House than give them another socialist with an “R” after his name, who will provide enough invisibility to allow them to vote for more crap like the USA PATRIOT Act!

  12. armed_partisan Says:

    You know who else wasn’t mentioned in any of those clips who out performed Gingrich, Huntsman, Perry, Romney? HERMAN CAIN. Why is it nobody will even acknowledge the only Black Conservative in the whole damn race amongst either party? Some of you may contend that Cain can’t win because of blah, blah, blah, but he couldn’t possibly do worse than Ron Paul, who will never win a nation wide primary, no matter how many times his two dozen supporters vote. If Ron Paul was the GOP’s guy, I’d probably find something more productive to do on election day than vote.

  13. JeremyS Says:

    Thank you for posting. I am trying to limit my viewing of mainstream media this election cycle, but it’s good to be reminded of them every so often – they provide incentive to get out there, campaign for RP, and spite their efforts.

    I’ll be joining >30 other members of a local meetup this weekend to campaign for Dr. Paul.

  14. wizardpc Says:

    Religious Christian Taliban members (Perry and Bachmann), who advocate spending money to teach religion in school and want to start a nuclear war in the middle east.

    ummm…yeah i’m going to need some documentaion on that.

  15. DirtCrashr Says:

    The “Religious Right/Christian Taliban” is a big fantasy boogy-man hocus-pocus that the (Religious) Left and the Media uses to divide fiscal conservatives from social conservatives.

  16. Michael Hawkins Says:

    On the left side there’s a similar story to be told.
    Might I suggest watching “Why I hate liberals” by “punkpatriot”. He’s on youtube.

    Both sides vote based on fear of losing, rather than out of support for the guy you like.

  17. CaptainVictory Says:

    I strongly suspect that Jon Stewart, a known liberal, deems Ron Paul unelectable and therefore wants him to be the Republican nominee. Or at least a strong third-party candidate who siphons votes from the Republican ticket.

  18. ATLien Says:

    ok, divemedic, i’m calling you out on this.

    religious christian taliban? Tell me, when Perry or Bachmann executed people in a stadium in front of their families? Liberals throw words around carelessly like idiots, try not to do the same.

  19. ATLien Says:

    oh, and point 2: Ya’ll talk a lot about the constitution, but when a candidate promises to actually, you know, FOLLOW IT, you give him shit and say you won’t vote for him, or vote at all. If you can’t vote for your principles (if indeed you actually MEAN what you say re: the Constitution) then how the hell are you to be trusted when everything falls apart?

  20. Joe-D Says:

    It saddens me to realize that our founding fathers would probably get marginalized and treated like shit also in todays society, even by the very people that claim to love liberty.

  21. Bobby Says:

    Its funny seeing all these leftist people who consider themselves better then other leftists because they call themselves “republican”. Keep voting for Romney and McCain, and I’ll see you after the fall.

  22. Kristopher Says:

    divemedic: Romney ain’t getting the nomination. He cannot get an indulgence for his state version of Obamacare.

    It’s going to be Palin, despite the fears of the party old guard about her record of throwing Republican crooks in jail.

    As for nuking the mideast … if Bush had done that on 9-12, we would have probably been better off today.

  23. Standard Mischief Says:

    I think the media said, “screw it” and pretty much tossed any illusion of impartiality out the window during the last election. Saying Ron Paul pulled a “Ralph Nader” does not cut it when we always heard plenty about Ralph on the campaign trail in every election that n0bama was not a party to.

  24. fucema Says:

    +1 @ATLien

    I’m with you. I am done voting for the lesser of two evils. I am voting based on my conscience and for the candidate that I truly believe should be in the office. The sad irony is that the more people who believe the media FUD about Ron Paul being a kook, the more people will end up voting for the lesser of two evils (re: any other GOP candidate).

  25. Smince Says:

    +1 @fucema & ATLien

    “Okay, I’m with you fellas…” Both parties got us in the mess we’re in, one at a faster rate than the other, and it’s time to drop the status quo and try something that we already know works. We’re going to get back to the basics one way (voting) or another (failing).

  26. Nathaniel Says:

    Kristopher: because we, Americans, are so clearly superior to those ragheads, we have the right to slaughter millions of them so that we can be “better off”? Is that it?

  27. Don Says:

    So much concern about the horse race aspect of this that nobody give a crap about real principles anymore. Is there NEVER a point at which we realize that “our guy” winning can still be a MAJOR loss if he advocates half of the same nonsense as our ideological opponents?

  28. Kristopher Says:

    Nathaniel: I could care less about what they wear on their heads or how they worship.

    The last group of people ( before 9-11 ) who seriously attacked the US got two of their cities nuked.

    3000+ casualties in a surprise attack rates a good nuking. Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia should have been given 24 hours to hand over a list of Taliban and AQ members, and after they failed to do this, they needed a formal war declaration, and a thermonuclear barrage.

  29. Kristopher Says:

    Oh, and nice way to play the “RACIST!” card there, Nathanial. You would make a good Democrat.

  30. fitz Says:

    Kristophers right, being a psychopath with genocidal fantasies does not necessarily make one a racist. It’s the same warped logic used by terrorists, the idea that America did something to us, so that justifies mass killing of innocents. Great idealogical company you’re in kris.

  31. Nathaniel Says:

    Kristopher: Let’s be clear. You’re promoting the murder of thousands upon thousands of people who had absolutely nothing to do with the destruction of the Twin Towers.

    I never suspected you’re a racist; just a flaming nationalist.

  32. Curtis Lemay Says:

    Innocents? Ain’t no innocents.

    This is snivelry, there are appropriate times to unleash a nuke. Appropriate to open the ‘whole can of whoopass’ if you will. Quite frankly, if this nation had the reputation of ancient Rome, that is to say harm a citizen and all of you will suffer, then the threat of Minutemen raining down MIRVs would be enough to deter the barbarism of 9/11.

    Those sweet innocent middle easterners and poor misunderstood Afghanis and Pakistanis certainly love us right? I mean, sure those videos of Palestinians dancing in the streets on that awful September morning may have disappear down the memory hole, and those shit-eating Afghanis that bow and scrape to whatever militant 13th century a-holes that pop up are all just fine folk. They certainly wouldn’t take our help and then sell us out would they, nope. Not at all. That press article this very day about $360 million ‘lost’ to these pinnacles of humanity must be in error. The accounts of the Pakistanis giving the Chinese access to our spec ops tech cannot be true!

    Thousands of dead American troops in two wars that should have been fought with ballistic missiles, the very heart of our forces thrown into a meat grinder, what a damn shame. If your wrists are so limp, then leave others whose hearts are black enough-so you can sleep well at night. It’s survival of the fittest, and they are not worthy. Lastly, they certainly aren’t innocent.

  33. fitz Says:

    Snivelry? It’s limp-wristed cowardice to oppose killing millions of men, women and children for the actions of a few? And each and every one of them is guilty? Sorry, sociopaths running the asylum doesn’t let me sleep well at night, they just make me doubt my species will last another century.

  34. Curtis Lemay Says:

    Actions of a few? Do you see the portents of trouble in the so-called Arab Spring? Eygpt slipping into chaos and radicalization? A rotting Turkey? A soon to be nuclear Iran? Yes, I name it snivelry. Face facts. If we don’t take a stand then your species won’t deserve to make it to another century, rather roll over and bare its throat to the enemy. I thank providence that Charles Martel had better counsel than your simpering.

  35. blounttruth Says:

    The crazy uncle is polling at 14% a full 4% higher than Bachman and less than 1% under Perry in New Hampshire. Regardless of who “your”candidate is this should disturb you that the elitists are skewing opinion, even the good old fair and balanced. Last night during Freedom Watch it appeared that there were technical difficulties for a full6-7 minutes, but a later viewing at 11PM showed the pro Ron Paul segment had been edited out of the prime time show. Of course there are no such things as conspiracies, but it is clear that the elite do not want true liberty and desire to maintain control over our lives. Liberty empowers the people, and we simply cant have that in a nanny state that they have worked hard to form. The “he cant be elected” reminds me of the Regan campaign where he was hammered and the same message blasted the airways when he was no ignored completely. Perry has many skeletons in the closet and it looks like the sheep are being led down the 2008 path where McCain was the approved candidate and once he got the nomination the media decided to harp on McCain’s weaknesses which gave Obama the White House, is this what they are doing once again with Perry?

    Beware of those that harp the verbatim media line “he cant be elected”, when in fact unbiased polls show he is the best hope against Obama:

  36. Kristopher Says:

    Gee … so we shouldn’t have nuked Japan, or bombed Germany, since innocent Germans and Japanese might have gotten killed?

    When the nation you are a citizen of commits an act of war, you become a possible target, like it or not.

    Nice wookie suit there … now screw off. Any national government responsible for that kind of an assault, and then pretends it had nothing to do with it, needs immediate retaliation, the more terrible, the better.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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