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Good question

Why won’t California release the results of its lead ammo “study”?

5 Responses to “Good question”

  1. EchoVictor Says:

    Probably because it’ll show everyone that the so called lead contamination issue is a non-issue.

  2. kristopher Says:

    Because they didn’t really do the science, or if they did, the results show that their official position is bullshit.

  3. Captain Holly Says:

    Precisely, EchoVictor.

    I have always suspected that the acutal number of condors which died of lead poisoning is either zero or can be counted on one hand. The regulations were based on a theory which had no supporting evidence.

  4. Timmy Says:

    Data destroyed or withheld on legal grounds? Have they been consulting climatologists?

  5. Veeshir Says:

    I think we all know the answer to that one.

    You can probably count the number of condors who died of lead poisoning from bullets on the thumbs of one paw.

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