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FBI: Preppers, gun nuts are potential terrorists

You know, unlike actual terrorists.

6 Responses to “FBI: Preppers, gun nuts are potential terrorists”

  1. Chas Says:

    Markie Marxist sez: “Cool! It’s good to see the FBI aiming its limited resources at rural, white men who buy camping equipment! Those kind of people tend to be Tea Party supporters, and even worse, they tend to vote Republican! There’s no telling what those terrorists might do with freeze-dried food! Besides, it’s a great way to divert law enforcemnt resources away from our Marxist/warrior/hero/criminals. I mean, what if those resources were aimed at our urban gangbangers who are running around the streets shooting each other? We might lose the bodycount that drives our gun ban agenda! My commie compadres at the Brady Campaign might be put out of work! Fortunately, Comrade President Obama is aware of our commie concerns, and is giving our urban gangbangers all the freedom that they need to keep the body count up and help us disarm and bring down capitalist America. It’s really paying us big political dividends for us Marxists to be holding the White House. That’s why we have to keep it, so the more rural, white men that we can lock up, so that they can’t vote, the better. Ha! Ha!”

  2. Sean Says:

    If some eccentric dude at a super market clears all the aluminum foil off the shelves for purchase, people observing this would:

    1) be at least mildly surprised
    2) wonder why he needed a football field worth of foil
    3) share the anecdote with others

    I would not likely call the authorities, but it’s weird enough that some scared individual could.

    If I was a store owner/manager, I probably wouldn’t want to do business with people doing 3/4 the things on that list anyway.

  3. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Gee, thanks Unc! I just sent it off to My Buddy the Surplus Dealer. He will be so happy to know, that as a soon-to-be retired Military Policeman in the Army Reserve, that he is now Considered a Terrorist for actively Supplying and Supporting Preppers. I guess 3 tours in Iraq doesn’t leave you off the hook under Holder, huh?

  4. Rivrdog Says:

    Meh. Complying with the “require ID” suggestion on that handout would scare off about 90% of the customers. A store full of goodies with no one to buy them is useless to everyone, including the FeeBees.

  5. 45er Says:

    Maybe they should raid the people that started Those loonies have a whole website about being prepared.

  6. Justthisguy Says:

    That seems like the Feebs copied, word for word, what they were sent by the Southern Preposterous Lie Center.

    A word to Morris Dees, that Potok guy, and the ADL: If you hate anti-semites so much, maybe you should stop trying to create them?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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