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Update in Canton


City Councilman Allen Schulman of Canton Ohio goes a long way to explain the conduct of Officer ‘Roid Rage by demonstrating that in Canton, the culture of arrogant douchebaggery flows right from the city council top and trickles all the way down through the police department

6 Responses to “Update in Canton”

  1. North Says:

    Schulman likes the way Stalag Canton is run. Dissent and you will find yourself in the cooler.

  2. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Welcome to the World of Ohio City Politicians! Trust me, he’s just one of many hundreds scattered throughout this State, turning their Villages, Towns and Cites into little Socialist Utopias. Free Cheese for Every Voter!

  3. TerryP Says:

    Just sent this to

    Mr. Schulman,

    After listening to your interview on WHLO, I will no longer stray from the safe confines of I77 while passing through your city. No more trips to the Pro Football HOF, no more stops at Bender’s for supper, no more shows at the Palace… I have no desire to support a city that would have you as an office holder. Your disdain for law biding citizens – by definition ALL Concealed Carry Permit holders are law biding citizens or they would not have the permit – is obvious.

    I suggest as a public face of Canton, you devote your efforts to cleaning-up the “neighborhoods, where there’s high crime, drugs, prostitution… ” and less time railing against those of us who choose to legally defend ourselves.

    [name deleted]
    Brunswick, OH

    P.S. I will be forwarding the links to your interview and the video of Officer Harless to all of my law biding friends asking them to join me in my Canton boycott.

  4. Lyle Says:

    Tam is nothing of not an eminent douchebagologist (pronounced \doosh b GOL uh jist\)(one of high standing in the field of douchebagology– the study of douchebags and their various douchebagisms) so she would know.

  5. Alaskan Says:

    We have trickle down assholes in government,not money.

  6. chris Says:

    If the perp/victim had been black, this would be another Rodney King video.

    The video says it all.

    This cop is a disgrace to his force and to his city.

    I have a hard time watching human cruelty, particularly where there is a power difference as in this case.

    The cop is a bully.

    If he wants some action, he needs to do the honorable thing and take up boxing or MMA and climb into the ring.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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