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The middleman

Obama: “Gimme your taxes or I’ll take away Grandma’s check”

Sounds good to me. I’ll keep my money and write my own checks to grandma.

In my method, overhead is zero.

11 Responses to “The middleman”

  1. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Funny. How can he take away Grandma’s Money when the Social Security Fund Trustees keeps saying that it’s fully funded for a few more decades? The Money’s in there, right? So either the Trustees are lying, or Barry is lying, or someone’s put in one too many I.O.U.s so they could buy GM and Chrysler, Bailout the IMF,….

  2. Chas Says:

    “Don’t call my bluff.”

    So far he’s getting called, but I wouldn’t count on Republicans to avoid snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. They have a talent for that.

    If he does starve Grandma, is Granny going to be motivated to vote for him? It would be yet another nail in his political coffin, and he’s had plenty of them lately – the coffin itself being the economy.

    A knee-jerk Marxist didn’t work out as manager of a capitalist economy. Who would have thought it possible? Academia? They were all for it. The MSM? They thought it was a brilliant idea. The American People? They cheerfully voted to give it a try.

    President Hopeless is down to cutting off Social Security checks. Let him, and let him see what it gets him.

  3. Jake Says:

    President Hopeless is down to cutting off Social Security checks. Let him, and let him see what it gets him.

    I think he sees this as a win-win scenario for him. If the Stupid Party caves, he can claim it as a victory in that he “overcame Tea Party opposition to pass a budget that reduces the deficit.” If the R’s actually stand their ground and the .gov shuts down or goes into official default, he can lay the blame for any consequences at their feet and paint them as “obstructionist” and “unwilling to put the good of the nation above their own political games,” or something similar.

    He’s counting on the “make the rich pay their fair share” crowd being big enough to overcome the “spend less” crowd. Unfortunately, I’m not too certain that his strategy won’t work.

  4. metulj Says:

    It is win-win for Obama. Debt ceiling raised and he gets to punish the GOP for weakness. Default (and the bread lines that come with it) and he (and everyone else with a pulse) gets to blame McConnell and Cantor (who is heavily invested in a fund that shorts the dollar) for the disaster. Six weeks ago, I thought that Obama was going to have to cave to their demands. The whole mess wouldn’t even exist if not for two wars on loan and off the books and bubble blowing as a economic policy.

    Also, all of those folks with paper gold positions: If they are valued in the dollar, think about it. You should have been in this:

  5. Nathaniel Says:

    The ironic thing is that Ron Paul gets harassed for supporting the shutting down of Social Security, even though he puts it and Medicare at the bottom of his list of priorities.

    Obama, on the other hand, threatens to throw seniors under the bus while we are fighting three foreign wars and paying interest on $1.6 trillion in debt owed to the Federal Reserve (!), among other things.

  6. aczarnowski Says:

    I’m not sure either Jake. I had to chase a commie off my lawn last night petitioning to get the MN gov back in motion. He actually asked why we should “protect the rich from paying their fair share” when I told him he was an idiot.

    At least I got to finally say “get off my damn lawn” to somebody and mean it. I feel grown up and everything now. 😉

  7. Phelps Says:

    If you count FICA and the employer contributions, I could easily pay my dad more than he currently gets from SS disability.

    On top of what I am already giving him to help out.

  8. Lyle Says:

    “I’ll keep my money and write my own checks to grandma.

    In my method, overhead is zero.”

    Brilliant, Uncle! Straight to the point, for the win. I love you. Thank you.

  9. Chas Says:

    If Social Security checks don’t go out, and that happens on Obama’s watch, he’s going to have a hard time getting re-elected. He can try to blame it on a nebulous group of Republicans, but it’s his responsibility to be cooperative enough to get the job done. As President, the buck stops with him, and he’ll look like a fool pointing his finger at other people and blaming them. It’s not very presidential to avoid taking responsibility.

  10. comatus Says:

    No overhead a’tall? I’d have sworn there’d be a rhubarb pie or some sugar cookies in there somewhere. Not on the federal scale, of course, but still…

    Ah, a still. OK then.

    This should put paid to all talk of whether the economy was driven into a ditch or off a cliff. Clearly, we’re now going over a bluff.

  11. Jake Says:

    It’s not very presidential

    Like that’s ever stopped him before?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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