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A failure of the state

Newark to require fast food places that are open late to post armed security guards.

9 Responses to “A failure of the state”

  1. MikeD Says:

    Sounds like some of those fine, upstanding lawmakers in Newark, NJ got some kickbacks from the security companies in the area.

  2. Chas Says:

    Markie Marxist sez: “Ha! Ha! Once again, our Marxist hammer and anvil approach pays off! We have our Marxist/warrior/hero/criminal/gangbangers run rampant in the streets, with their guns blazing and people getting shot. Then we impose prohibitively expensive security requirements on capitalist businesses, which implies that private enterprise is to blame for the violence. Oops! It seems that private enterprise is no longer viable! Hmmm, I guess government will have to step in and run all the fast food restaurants. You don’t want people to go hungry, do you? Of course, there will be no need for additional security at government-run restaurants. We’ll just have our police take up the slack, after all, that’s what we pay them for! Ha! Ha!”

  3. John Smith. Says:

    Heck with how Newark is toward guns I bet the only security guards are off duty police… This looks to me like a shakedown so the cops can make additional money in the face of budget cuts by the department….

  4. mikee Says:

    Will the guards walk customers to and from their automobiles in the parking lots?

    Will the guards be liable personally if they fail to protect against a violent attack?

    Will the guards be required to have certifications and training to make it less likely they might accidentally shoot a customer, and if they do, who pays – the guard, the business, or NJ state?

    The questions are just endless on this one.

    But the answer is of course that many, many small restaurants will close at 8pm rather than suffer the expense and liability of following this rule. Which is likely the reason it was enacted by the city, after all. If the late night crime scenes are closed, there will be fewer late night crime scenes!

  5. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Of course, this will provide valuable work experience to future TSA Applicants.

  6. DC Handgun Info Says:

    This is all due to the near-bankruptcy of Newark, which warned the world as far back as December 2010 of the cuts in the municipal police force. It seems to me that Newark’s city council should have slashed their budget everywhere _but_ the police department. They could have shuttered the parks and libraries, and opened trash collection up to competitive bidding by private businesses. But no, they actively decided to shrink their police force. They must reap what they sow. God knows, maybe they’ll revisit their onerous anti-gun regulations??

  7. John Richardson Says:

    Hmmm. The new Chicago Police Superintendent Gerry McCarthy – who thinks Sarah Palin, the NRA, and Federal gun laws are all conspiring to kill inner-city blacks – just left Newark as their Police Chief. You have to wonder if he had done such a job there, would Newark have to resort to such measures?

  8. John Richardson Says:

    Meant to say “good job there” in Newark.

  9. Old Soldier Says:

    I used to work in Newark – got the hell out by sundown every day. Nobody in their right mind would go late-night fast food shopping there.

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