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Man made global warming

Strikes Saturn!

11 Responses to “Man made global warming”

  1. mikee Says:

    First it was Mars, now Saturn? I bet Jupiter is already affected, and we just can’t tell yet….

    We’d better cut back on use of carbon even faster, before we destroy all life in the solar system. Oh, wait, maybe we can just look for some source of variation in whatever heat sources there are in the solar system affecting the planets, rather than engage in socialist civil engineering on a scale that would impress Stalin and Mao were they still alive. Now, what could that heat source be?

  2. Sebastiano Says:

    Wow, people are still conflating weather and CLIMATE in 2011.

    Uncle, please quit riling up the terminally fucking stupid.

  3. SayUncle Says:

    Yeah, I know. Weather is what actually, like, happens.

  4. Sebastiano Says:

    I’m reminded of the scene in The Waterboy when Adam Sandler explains and corrects the professor about why the alligator is really actually mad all the time, and how it’s not all that sciencey stuff.

    I mean really, why think about things that are hard when folks explanations are so much easier? Those pointy headed NASA types are probably just making it up anyway. Damn you rocket scientists and your know-it-all ways!

  5. SPQR Says:

    Sebastiano, you mean the pointy headed NASA types that already fouled up the record with programming errors in the GISS series?

  6. Sebastiano Says:

    No, the NASA types that actually didn’t do that at all, and in fact corrected the GISS record pretty quickly and found nothing to support the denialist case, and that in fact the same conclusions are reached with the corrected data. The ones who later showed that the GISS records are fundamentally sound, and when inspected by the National Academy of Sciences, were determined to be right on the money. Their bottom line–nothing in that non-event changed the scientific reality.

    Keep that head in the sand thing going, it suits you.

  7. Magus Says:

    The “deniers” don’t deny that climate changes. Hell, 50 million years ago ancient alligators and giant tortoises thrived on Ellesmere Island which is well above the Arctic Circle.

    300 or so years ago there was the “Little Ice Age”.

    The climate changes.

    What the “deniers” ask for is evidence that Man is causing “Global Climate Change” and access to the raw data that evidence is based on.

    I don’t believe asking for evidence and DATA is a “head in the sand thing”.

  8. Russell C Says:

    But wait, there’s more. In order for Al Gore to get the message cross that there is no legitimate opposition to the IPCC, he has to trash skeptic scientists. But over the last 20 years, he’s contradicted himself TWICE over something that looks like nothing more than guilt-by-association, a charge that everybody knows would get laughed right out of any courtroom in the country. See: “Pt II: Is Gore’s Accusation of Skeptic Climate Scientists Still a Hoax?”

  9. Billll Says:

    If that were a storm, wouldn’t it move with the atmosphere instead of trailing white gunk like an erupting volcano?

  10. RC Says:

    I suppose the first amendment protects the AGW crowd, the whole freedom to practice the religion of their choice. Maybe all the people that actually understand the principles of what makes science, you know, science and not religion could use those “Keep Nativity scenes off public property” laws to keep the AGWers out of trying to get laws made to support their religion.

  11. Sebastiano Says:

    Magus: the evidence and DATA are scientifically accepted reality.

    Ignoring as much is the head in the sand part. And it won’t make the problem go away.

    I get it, AGW is a real problem for the US uber alles we can do whatever we wants as individuals there’s no such thing as a global problem isolationist world view that’s taken over the American right in recent years. It sucks when your worldview is confronted by a problem your religion can’t solve.

    But that’s just the way it is.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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